The two families enjoyed their time together, and the day was coming to a close, it was twilight time, when Julie, Cam and Katie started back to their own home, she would drop Katie by in the morning, because it was her week to go into the shop.

Candee would stay home, work from home and watch the children; this system was working out very well for now, but soon all the children would be in school. The week began as they all do normal in every way, Starke left for the station and Julie dropped Katie off bright and early, she went up to Marie's bedroom kicked off her shoes and laid down to go back to sleep as it was still very early .

While the house was quiet, as Jamie was also still sleeping, Candee went into their home office and booted up the computer to catch up on her own e-mail and to check on the website they set up for their wedding planning business. When she finished she phoned Julie at the shop to fill her in, she knew she would not have time for the website, since she had her hands full taking care of clients at the shop.

Then she heard Jamie over the baby monitor, and headed up the stairs, she would also wake the girls so that she could make breakfast for them and feed Jamie too. The girls would probably spend most of the day in the playhouse that they loved, and she would take their lunch to them there, they loved having lunch together in their own little house.

Tuesday evening Candee got a phone call from Julie saying that Marie had a slight fever, and was probably taking on a cold and she would be taking her along to the shop with her, the following morning and she would keep her occupied away from customers and more importantly away from Marie, no sense in having her come down with whatever bug this may be.

Candee ask "are you sure? Would you rather stay home, and I'll go in?" "No this will be fine, if her fever gets higher or she seems worse, I will call her doctor who is not far away and take her right there." "Okay, but please call me if this should happen, or if I can do anything, promise?" "I promise!" Copyright 2016 - 2024