It was afternoon by the time they arrived, but of course Anne was happy to see her children and her grandchildren, grandma, grandma, shouted, Marie as she ran to her grandmothers open arms, she got kisses all over her face, which Marie returned.

Then when Jamie was released from his carrier it was his turn, she had him in her arms in no time, and was giving him loud smacking kisses on his head, they all sat down then in her living room, she held onto Jamie and Marie sat beside her.

They took turns telling her about their weekend, each having a different story to tell her, and of course they passed along Gerta's hello, to her dear friend, and Starke's momma, as she put it. Marie told her we had visitors and watched a movie, and my best friend, Katie came up today.

"Grandma, may I go out to your garden now and visit the butterflies?" Marie asked, "yes of course honey, if it's okay with your mother and father,' "yes for awhile sweetie," Starke said.” Can Taffy come too, she won't chase butterflies only squirrels, yes, take Taffy with you, and they heard the back door close as she went out.

Candle, dear, "why don't you go pour us all a nice glass of iced tea, I've got a pitcher ready in the refrigerator" "alright mom, I'll be right back, Anne was not about to let go of her grandson. "You know son, she said to Starke, he looks exactly like you at this age." I know mom, I've seen the pictures. Jamie was babbling on and on as he often did, happy and content to be held by his grandma, "and as I recall you did this jibber jabbering so much at this age to" just couldn't wait to start talking, I guess?

Candle was back then with a tray holding tall glasses of iced tea, "while I was in the kitchen I stepped out onto the porch for a minute to check on Marie, she's sitting among the flowers on the bench you placed there, and it looked as though she was talking to someone, it couldn't be Taffy because she wandered over on this side of the yard."

"Well now isn't that odd, commented Anne," "I suppose she was talking to the many butterflies flitting around her, you know children; they talk to everyone and everything at that age. And Marie is so smart, why she talks like a grown-up already." Copyright 2016 - 2024