Chad was in his office which over looked the entire operation of different areas, of this huge building where his crew was hard at work on different task of his or her own specialty, some sanding, some in the painting bay's, one working on an engine or replacing one, he smiled to himself, pleased at how far he had come, how well he was doing, he enjoyed seeing his client's precious antique auto's come back to complete restoration some which go into collection's in museums, some in private collection's and other's go up for auction bringing the owner's very big cash rewards.

His own collection was quite something, and could now be viewed on his own web page, and by appointment only in his very large private garage. If he got an offer he could not refuse he sometimes would be tempted to sell one, which he has done in the past, however the spot is not empty for to long, his own collection is always impressive.

The phone rang and he turned from the picture window, to answer, 'hello, Chad here" "hey there handsome" "hi, angel, what's up?" it was of course his wife, "oh, I'm sitting here downloading pictures from the party, choosing the ones I want to process, I've got so many and they're great!"

"What are the girls doing?" "they are right here with me sitting on the floor, letting the kittens climb all over them, can't you hear them giggling?" as they shrieked in delight," yes, I heard that." "I haven't seen Smokey all morning; I suspect he's hiding out somewhere quiet "cat napping." Will you be home for dinner, or working late? We’re right on schedule in the shop, if something turns up, I'll give you a call." "Alright see you later, Hon," "bye. Gloria and they each hung up the phone. Copyright 2016 - 2024