Later that evening, when the children were asleep and Candee and Starke had time to relax together, she told him all about her tour of the house they had been to that day, and how well it suited its occupants, it wouldn't be our taste but then our home is suited to our taste and works well for our family.

Then he ask, "how about getting an early start tomorrow and take a ride up to the cabin, just for the day, then maybe next weekend we can get back to our regular weekend visits." "Yes, that's a wonderful idea; I will cut up the treats for the deer and take them along with us, save some time because you know they will come out to greet us as usual looking for their treats."

"Let's go do that now, and I will help, because we'll need some big bags, you know how that family has been growing over the years," and he laughed. Candee said, "I'll never forget that first visit for me after Marie was born, and Apples and Caramel came out of the woods with a baby fawn by their side, I walked slowly towards her but not to close, and told her how happy I was for her, and how I would understand that she stay with her baby now, and so I tossed her treats to her, and you know dear, I believe she understood me." "I bet she did, but then you two always seem to understand each other."

Sunday morning they were up at six o' clock getting things ready, Candee packed a picnic basket and cooler because they didn't leave much food in the refrigerator or freezer at the cabin. Starke quietly got some of Jamie's things together; the children were left to sleep for awhile.

Starke went into Marie's room to wake her, he sat on the edge of her small bed, and rubbed her arm, "time to get up, pumpkin" she rubbed her eyes, "morning daddy" I have a surprise for you, mommy and I thought we'd go to the cabin, just for today" "oh goodie, as she sat up to get out of bed, he stood, and walked to the door, "tell mommy to not forget the sunflower seeds, for my squirrels," okay honey, will do."

Because she was more mature for her age, she went into her very own bathroom, wiped the sleep out of her eyes, went potty, put her slippers on and very carefully holding onto the railing, and descended the stairs to find her parents and to have her breakfast. Copyright 2016 - 2024