"He's a wonderful father commented Julie" "yes, I believe he took lessons from Cameron" and Julie gave her a quick hug, "your sweet to say that" "I only speak the truth," and they both laughed.

Anne had arrived then, and Cameron was back with his boys right behind him the girls were called over the intercom and all had gathered, around the big table in the large enclosed sun room in back, as Starke tended to the huge grill just outside the sun room on the open patio. He took his outdoor cooking very serious, enjoying surprising everyone with new ways to prepare the things he cooked, today was no exception, the potatoes were on the grill, and he had carried a pile of foil wrapped packages to the grill, this would be the fish, he prepared in the kitchen.

Candee and Julie brought two big bowls of crisp colorful salad to the table and sat down, then Cameron brought a big bowl of baked potatoes, and Starke brought the giant platter of foil wrapped fish, the girls clapped their hands and said oh, goodie our supper is wrapped like little presents, everyone laughed at that.

They passed the food all around, with a warning to be careful and use the tongs as it would be very hot for a few minutes, as they started to unwrap the fish, they all agreed it looked wonderful, Starke had made a chunky salsa from fresh vegetables, and topped each piece before wrapping, they all agreed it was absolutely delicious and he was beaming with pride.

They talked and laughed, and listened to the fish stories as told by Cameron and Starke, and Candee ask, how Danny and his Dad did as far as their catch went, they said, they also had a cooler quite full to take home.

And we have a bit of news for all of you something that we at the station suspected, but until today had not been confirmed by Danny himself, "ooh what is it daddy?" ask Marie, well it seems Danny has a steady girlfriend, really? Came from Candee, who? Who? Went all around the table, "I'm getting to that, she's a very cute little gal, we've seen him talking to from time to time, she's is a paramedic, and they met on the job. Her name is Bonnie.

Then Anne was saying how wonderful it is how that young man turned his life around with help from Cameron, and his own father after he got his own life straightened out. And now look at him; he's a credit to the police force, and a real asset at the station, with that high tech. brain of his, and now a girlfriend for him, how wonderful.

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