I wish they didn't live so far out of town, but it's understandable, to build their home, near his business, and his dad of course, and since she got a manager for her shop in order to be a full time mother, that was a wise decision on her part with twins on the way, "don't you agree?" "Yes indeed I do, having two little ones now myself, I can surely understand," and, "I've got all the help I need available to me, plus with the nursery have set up at our shop, makes my job quite a bit easier." "yes, and you know Candee if I've not said it before I want to say it now, thank you, you and Starke for getting this business started, it has made life easier for us too, at times I'm bringing more money home than Cameron, not that he minds at all, the fact that we were able to add a second story on our house, and adding many wonderful conveniences for our family, makes him very happy, all of us, for that matter.

Candee stood then, and walked a few steps to gently lay the sleeping child in his carriage, then walked back and sat down. "Yes, Julie you have thanked us many times and if not always with words, then surely in deeds, plus no one, myself included works as hard or as diligently as you, all the times you are at the shop and I am at home with the children. We are partners and best friends, no thanks’ are necessary, okay?" "Okay".

Just then the door to the playhouse opened and the girls emerged with the taffy colored cocker spaniel that was a Christmas present two years ago as a puppy for Marie, which she quickly named, what else? But of course Taffy, who never wanted to be anywhere but by her side. They would have to see to it that Jamie has his own dog, in another year or so, she thought.

As the girls approached, Marie said, 'daddy's home and Uncle Cameron and the K's and about that time, the men came around the side of the house, having pulled into the driveway out front. "I swear commented Candee, that child knows things before they happen," "I know," is all Julie had time to say.

The boys kept walking, while shouting, hi Mom, hi Aunt Candee, see ya later going to wash off the fishy smell, as they headed into the woods, connecting their properties. Starke shouted back, make sure your back here later for fish on the grill, "right" he heard in reply

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