Saturday dawned a glorious day, two people were still sleeping and two were up bright and early. Big Red was in the shower, washing her long mane of red hair, and singing along with the radio which she had turned so loud, so she could hear it with the water running, she just knew this was going to be a special day for her. She was going to meet the man of her dreams, in this case her cyber dreams.

In another town not too far away Demo Man was having coffee and donuts, with his dad, it was just the two of them now, and his dad was his biggest fan, and would not miss the races "for all the tea in china" as he always said. Demo Man, better known to friends and family as Chad Benton is a tall, muscular, some would say macho looking guy, with sandy blond hair, worn just grazing his collar. And the fans, mostly girls were drawn to his rugged good looks rather than his driving skills as a demolition derby driver, which he really didn't mind one little bit. It seemed the more fans gathered around him the more he won, guess it was all the hype, the excitement, it seemed to get his adrenalin up, so much so that he felt indestructible.

Gloria was primping, she was doing her nails all twenty of them, her hair had to be perfect, and the outfit she chose was to die for, when this guy gets a look at me, she thought, he won't see anyone else, at that moment, and he won't be thinking of that bitch, he's always talking to in the chat room. Ah, this is going to be the best day of my life.

Chad was throwing all his gear into a duffel bag, while his dad got ready for the rest of the day, every time they left for the races it was like a new adventure for both of them. They had gotten very close in the years since his mother passed away, and his brother got married and moved to Colorado. Since Chad got into this new hobby of his, his dad's support meant the world to him, he was a lot more sensitive than people realized for a guy his size, a secret that Chad kept well hidden from the outside world.

Chad called to his dad, letting him know he'd be outside waiting for him, and they'd be on their way as soon as he was ready, he wanted to check out the car he'd be driving that day so he always arrived a little early, it was a habit he started early on, at his first derby actually, and now it seemed to be a good omen for him to continue this habit. Copyright 2016 - 2024