They had fun shopping for gifts for the three K's and of course something for Anne, as well as Julie and Cameron. They took lots and lot's of photo's to add to the wedding album, they would one day show their children.

They lay in bed at night, after the loving, and made plans for the life they hoped to have as a family, the house that was under construction, which as Candee put it, "will become a home when we move in."

This particular night she ask him to promise her, that they would go to the cabin every weekend or as often as possible, she didn't want their deer, as she often referred to them as; to think they were forgotten, he promised.

Also she continued, "I'd like to get to know my new friends better, we'll have a party soon or a picnic at the cabin, and what do you think?" She got no answer, as she turned her head on her pillow she saw that he was sound asleep.

She watched him then, studying his handsome face, this man she was so lucky to have in her life and she instinctively rested her hand on her tummy, and fell asleep.

The honeymoon went by all too quickly and before they knew they were packing for the ride to the air-port. They took with them great memories and rolls and rolls of film to be developed.

Starke gave Cam a quick call, and he promised he would deliver his car to the airport as he said he would, and one of the guys in the squad would drive him back.

They had a nice flight home chatting all the way, Candee decided she liked flying and hoped to do it again sometime. And then they drove to the cabin, their home until the new one was completed. As they got to the door, Starke unlocked it and she started to enter, he grabbed her arm saying "hold on there beautiful" and scooped her up into his arms to carry her over the thresh hold, she laughed with delight, he set her down saying welcome home Mrs. Romel and he kissed her. Copyright 2016 - 2024