Tell you what kid, you keep your nose clean, keep doing a good job around here finish school, and between Cam and myself we'll see to it that you get into the academy, is it a deal? And he extended his hand for a manly handshake.

"Deal," as Danny accepted with a very manly grip of his own, and with the biggest toothy grin, Starke had ever seen on this young man.

The kid stood up then, but Starke touched his arm as to restrain him, before you go kid, how's your dad doing? Danny said, real good, he's working steady again, and now that he's keeping sober, he's a great guy to have around. That's swell kid, glad to hear it, now get back to work before we're both in trouble. And by the way why aren't you in school today? We got the day off teachers conference, ah! Is all Starke replied?

Candee was at Anne's now, getting her things arranged in one of the guest rooms, the one she picked because of its beautiful antique full length mirror, perfect for a bride dressing on her wedding day.

Just then, Anne was standing in the doorway, is there anything I can help you with, dear?, oh, I was just about finished here, Candee turned sitting on the edge of the bed, Anne came and sat beside her, she said, "I'm going to tell you a secret, but not what it is, exactly." ",Oh, Candee questioned, with raised eyebrows," I have a wonderful surprise for you and my son, on your wedding day, but now I'm afraid you'll just have to wait till then to find out what it is, now dear, let's go have some lunch.

They did have a very pleasant lunch and by the time they finished, with all the other wedding talk, Candee had completely forgotten about the secret, later she would not even remember it, to mention to Starke.

This all important week was moving along at what seemed to be a rapid pace for Starke, he was consumed with details what with work, the home under construction, and the honeymoon, thank goodness the wedding was taken care of for him, all he had to do was show up in his tux.

Friday arrived and while Candee was at the spa being pampered and prepared

For her wedding, Starke went to his barber to get a haircut, or rather styled as they now call it, he chuckled to himself.

He stopped by the jeweler to pick up a wedding gift for his bride; he chose a strand of perfectly matched pearls with a large gold clasp set with yellow diamonds to match her ring, and also a pair of matching earrings. Copyright 2016 - 2024