"You truly are an angel," "well thank you" and she kissed him. Then they got quiet for a while as they dug into their lunches. When she had eaten enough she sat and waited for him to finish.

When Chad had clearly finished eating, she said, ''Although I hate to leave this nice relaxing place, I'm afraid we had better start out soon." I’ve left some chores unfinished at home, and tomorrow is the start of another work week" They got up then and gathered up their things and carried them up to the house. Chad shouted to his dad, that they'd be leaving now, and his dad said, just leave everything on the table, I'll take care of it, and to Gloria he added, come back soon Gloria, and Sandy barked once, as if to add her invitation also.

They enjoyed pleasant conversation on the drive back to her place, and she told him how she was looking forward to the wedding the following weekend and Chad replied, with I’m looking forward to having a wonderful time, I plan to dance your feet off, are you up for it?'' oh yes, I had dancing in mind when I chose the perfect dress and she giggled like a school girl.

Before long it was time to say goodbye, until they would see each other at their last dance lesson, Thursday night before the wedding on Saturday of course they did speak on the phone or chat on line almost every evening.

Gloria let herself in said hello to Smokey as he greeted her inside the door, she scooped him up in her arms, "hello my sweet boy, let me toss some clothes in the washer, then you and I will have a nice chat and I'll tell you about my day with Chad," and she set Smokey down, to gather up her laundry.

When she had her laundry under way in the washer, she made herself a cup of tea and settled in a comfy chair with Smokey on her lap and preceded to tell him all about her day with Chad, Smokey twitched his ears at the appropriate moments as he listened intently to his mistress's voice, then settled down, closed his eyes and took one of his many cat naps, while she sipped her tea and reflected on her day.

Before long the buzzer sounded on the washer, as she scooped up the cat, she carried him into the bedroom and deposited him on the bed, I'll be back in a minute sweetie, I'll just toss the wash in the dryer and we can go to bed, mommy goes to work tomorrow.

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