Suddenly Dee Dee shows up, she's now having a conversation with another Gal but I think not the right one, and Demo Man tried to get her attention, good Dee Dee get him talking that's my girl. Then someone named Big Red shows up, she says hey, Demo man you got a big trophy? He says yeah baby, Dee Dee can tell you about that, right Dee Dee? Starke thinks Oh boy, I'd better jump in here real quick, Mt. Man says: hey, Big Red what's so big about you? Big Red says: well wouldn't you like to know Mt. Man Mt. Man: yes, actually I would, ha ha, I bet Demo Man would too, how about it Demo Man? Yup! This is going better then I thought Starke thinks to himself.

Dee Dee is hanging back now she's playing it real cool, good girl. Big Red says Il ove the races sure would like to see you in action one day Demo Man. Well we'll have toa rrange that if you live close enough, lets you and I go to a private chat room and discuss this ok? You got it.

They left me with Dee Dee and a few uninterested parties or so we thought. She surprised me and said can we meet again? I said sure thing, how about Friday night, at the honky tonk we both know of? She said great I liked it there, and would like to spend more time, than the last time. Great see you about nine o'clock then, ok nine it is.

Starke couldn't believe his luck he was going to see her again on Friday night. It's only Monday and he had a long time to wait but it would be worth the wait this he was sure of, about as sure as the sun was going to rise tomorrow on his little cabin in the woods. Starke shut his computer down and went to get a beer, now that's what I call a successful Internet experience, and he laughed till his sides hurt.

The week went by predictably, Candee stayed out of the chat rooms giving Big Red and Demo Man free reign hoping something would spark there, and Starke worked with Cameron on finishing up what he started, to bust up the Internet scam, he had been working on, and was pleased to find out it came to a successful conclusion, with several arrest being made.

By Friday evening he was in good spirits, in fact that morning he had gone to a local western outfitters store and bought a spiffy new shirt, polished his boots and was ready to leave by eight o'clock, they were to meet around nine. Copyright 2016 - 2024