He turned to yank a towel off the rack.

“Huh uh,” Ty protested stubbornly. “I’d rather completely f**k us both over than separate,” he added with a flush that was part embarrassment, part desire to do just what he’d said.

Zane turned back to him, his lack of patience very clear. “Get out of the bathroom or f**ked over is what you’re going to get,” he growled.

Another thrill ran through Ty’s body and he inclined his head slightly; part challenge, part invitation. Fuck it. He had never followed the rules anyway.

Eyes turning sparkling black, Zane reached out, grabbed Ty’s arm and yanked him to the side, just enough to get his weight behind him to shove him against the sink, belly first. He was immediately on him, grinding against his ass, and he leaned over to bite the back of Ty’s shoulder, hard, before he looked up to meet Ty’s eyes in the mirror.

“Is this what you want?” Zane ground out. “Hard and messy in a goddamn hotel bathroom?” He pressed him harder into the sink counter.

Ty looked up to meet Zane’s eyes in the reflection of the mirror, and he grinned slowly.

Zane’s temper flared, and his stomach plummeted painfully as he realized that Ty was just messing with him. “Son of a bitch,” he hissed. He pulled back, yanked open the bathroom door, and then shoved Ty straight out of the room with enough force that the man hit the mirrored closet door on the opposite wall with a rattle. Then he slammed the bathroom door shut between them.

Ty stayed where he’d practically splatted for a long moment, breathing heavily and resting his forehead against the cool surface of the mirror to calm himself. Hard and messy in a hotel bathroom had sounded pretty damn fun, actually. Christ, Zane was a f**king Jekyll and Hyde case.

Reaching in the shower to turn the cold water on full blast, Zane kicked out of his jeans and briefs with a growl, the heat of his anger matching the roiling desire for the man he’d just thrown out. “Fucking ass**le,” he hissed as he climbed full into the shower spray and yanked the curtain shut.

How could he have misjudged Ty’s reactions? The bastard must have been putting on from the first moment their lips touched.

“Goddammit all to hell,” he growled. The cold water was barely having any effect. He slammed the side of his fist against the tile, only to cuss again colorfully and shake his hand as the pain reverberated through his fingers and up his arm again.

Ty heard the thud from within the bathroom and finally raised his head. He turned to look at the door and narrowed his eyes. So, Rule Number One, apparently, was that he wasn’t allowed to crack a smile during foreplay.

“Got it,” he muttered to himself as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side before stepping up to the door and throwing it open.

Zane’s head shot up as the door hit the wall. What the hell? Then, and only then, it occurred to him that Ty just might have been serious with that smile. Fuck.

Ty was already half-undressed, so it wouldn’t have taken him all that long to finish the job. But instead, he yanked the shower curtain back and stepped into the shower without removing his jeans, and he grabbed Zane and slammed him against the tile along the back side of the shower.

He’d half-expected it, but Zane was still surprised by the other man’s vehemence and he gasped and growled as his back hit the cool wall opposite the curtain painfully.

Ty reached over to the shower knobs and turned the temperature of the water up to something more tolerable, holding his forearm across Zane’s chest. “We’ve really got to work on that temper of yours,” he drawled as he pressed himself against Zane’s body.

A breath shuddered out of Zane as he spread both hands, palms flat against the tile. The warm water and the press of the other man’s body were doing the trick to bring him fully hard again. “Ty,” he said harshly.

“Shut up,” Ty hissed in response as his entire body turned over into tackle mode and drove all other thoughts from his mind. He ducked his head to lick a trail of water running down Zane’s collarbone and then bit him lightly.

Zane groaned and his eyes rolled back as his hands moved without thought to clutch at Ty’s hips. “You make me absolutely f**king crazy,” he said thickly.

“Hate to break it to you, but I think you were there long before I came along,” Ty murmured before he raised his head and kissed Zane slowly.

One hand shifted up to curl around the back of Ty’s neck as they kissed, and Zane shifted his feet apart so Ty was right up against his body. His patience and good sense were blown. He didn’t want to say no to this. It was so much better than any booze or drugs. His blood thrummed with it; his chest and belly were taut with it.

“You might find it a bit more difficult to toss me out next time,” Ty hissed as one hand snaked down Zane’s body and between them.

Zane’s next breath nearly choked him as Ty’s hand slid between their bodies, soft compared to the wet denim that scraped against his bare midsection. No, he didn’t imagine he’d be tossing Ty anywhere. His eyes opened. “Next time?” he asked hoarsely.

Ty’s hand closed around him, and he nipped at his chin in answer.

The back of Zane’s head hit the tile, and he held Ty’s shoulders tight as he reacted, swelling as a strangled gasp escaped him.

“That’s what I thought,” Ty cooed to him with a smirk as he stroked him slowly. “When was the last time you f**ked someone you didn’t pay, Zane?” he asked in an almost conversational tone as the water pounded down on them both.

Dragging his eyes open, Zane met Ty’s changeable eyes. His lashes were dotted with water drops. “Too damn long,” he said lowly. Ty kissed him again almost before he got the words out, and his hand sped up slightly as he pressed his body into Zane’s.

Feeling like he was about to burn to a crisp, Zane shook all over as his hips shifted to move against Ty’s hand. Oh, God. He groaned and laid his head back, eyes shut against the water splashing off his shoulder. It didn’t matter that he’d gotten off about six hours ago. He was hard and straining.

Ty’s other hand slid behind his head to cushion his skull from hitting the tiles, and he kissed Zane again demandingly as he continued to stroke relentlessly.

It wasn’t going to take much longer, not at all. The hard kiss, the catch and slide of Ty’s hand, and the tension all spiraled tighter and tighter as Zane growled into Ty’s mouth.

“Come on,” Ty urged, not at all concerned with land-speed records or propriety.

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