"What wit so sharp is found in youth or age

That can distinguish truth from treachery?

Falsehood puts on the face of simple truth,

And masks i' th' habit of plain honesty,

When she in heart intends most villany."

"Sit down, Mr. Judson; sit down, and tell us all about this matter; and

if we can aid either you or your distressed lodger in any way, we shall

be glad to do so," said Mr. Berners, earnestly.

"Yes, indeed," added Sybil, throwing herself down in her easy-chair,

with a deep breath of relief and anticipation.

"Well, sir, and madam," commenced the landlord, frankly accepting the

offered seat, "the case is this: About ten days ago there arrived in

this city, by the ship Banshee, from Cork, a lady, gentleman, and child,

with two servants, who came directly to this house. The gentleman

registered his party as Mr. and Mrs. Horace Blondelle, child, nurse, and

valet, and he engaged the very best rooms in the house--the rooms

corresponding to these on the opposite side of the passage, you know,


"Yes," assented Mrs. Berners.

"Well, sir, and Mr. Horace Blondelle ordered, besides the best rooms,

everything else that was best in the house, and, indeed, better than the

house contained; for, for his supper that very night, I had to send by

his directions, and procure Johanesberg, Moselle, and other rare and

costly wines, such as are seldom or never called for here. But then you

know, sir, he was a foreign gentleman."

"Certainly," agreed Lyon, with a smile.

"Next day, the finest horses and carriages from the livery stables. And

so on in the highest scale of expense, until his week's bill ran up to

seven hundred dollars. As a good deal of this was money paid out of my

pocket for costly wines and costly horses, I sent in my account on the

Saturday night. It is the usual thing, however, madam."

"I know," answered Mrs. Berners.

"Well, Mr. Horace Blondelle very promptly settled it by handing me a

check on the local bank for the amount. It was too late then to cash my

check, as the bank had been for some hours closed. But I resolved to

take it to the bank the first thing on Monday morning to get the money;

and I left Mr. Horace Blondelle's apartments with a secret feeling of

commendation for his prudence in putting his ready money in the local

bank, instead of keeping it about him in a crowded hotel like this. For,

you know, sir, that the recent daring robbery at the Monroe House has

proved to us that even the office safe is not always 'safe.'"

"Not always," echoed Mr. Berners.

"Well, sir, and madam, I was so well pleased with my guest's promptitude

in settling his bill, that I redoubled my attentions to his comfort and

that of his party. On the Sunday he commenced the week's account by

giving a large dinner-party, for he had made acquaintances in the town.

And again the most expensive delicacies and the mostly costly wines were

ordered, with the most lavish extravagance. And they kept up the

festivities in rather a noisy manner through the whole night, which was

painful to me, I being a Churchman. But then, you know, madam, a

landlord can not interfere with his guests to that extent."

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