"One moment, dear Lyon," said Sybil, pausing to adjust her dress.

While she did so, Munson again spoke to Mr. Berners.

"You have your pocket compass?"


"Then I advise you to use it as soon as it is light, to direct your

course. And do not go toward the east, for old Purley will pursue you in

that direction, under the impression that you will try to reach another

seaport town, and get off in a ship. But make for the interior, for the

West, and get away as fast and as far as you can. Be careful to keep as

much as possible in the woods, even though your progress should be

slower through them than it would be in the open country. And now excuse

my presuming to give you so much counsel; but you know I have been upon

the war path, out among the red-skins, and am up to hunting and


"I thank you--we both thank you from the depths of our souls. And we

pray that the day may come when we shall be able to prove our

gratitude," said Lyon, earnestly.

"Never mind that! But put madam into her seat. She is ready now; and,

indeed, the sooner you are off the better," answered Munson.

Mr. Berners advanced towards Sybil, when the whole party was stopped by

a terrible event.

"No you don't, you infernal villain! I have caught you, have I? Stand!"

exclaimed a voice of thunder, and the stout farmer stood before them, at

the head of all his negroes, and with a loaded musket in his hand!

Like lightning young Munson threw himself before Sybil, drew a pistol

from his breast, and levelled it straight at the heart of their

opponent, exclaiming: "Out of the way, you devil! and let her pass. Out of the way this

instant, or, by my life, I will kill you! I will! I will kill you, and

hang for her sake!"

The man raised his musket, and aimed it at the head of him whose hand

pointed the pistol to his own heart. And thus, like two duellists, they

stood fatally eyeing each other!

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