"You may rest assured that we shall not loiter in Norfolk," said Mr.


"As for the draught horses and cart, if you have time, you can sell

them. If not, you can leave them at the livery stable, and on the day of

sailing post me a letter containing an order to receive them."

"You think of everything, dear Pendleton."

"I can't think of anything else just now," replied Captain Pendleton.

"Well, then, we will have some supper," said Sybil rising to prepare it.

"I declare, I never in all my life supped out so frequently as I have

done since you two have been housekeeping in this old Haunted Chapel!

And by the way, talking of that, have you seen any more apparitions? any

more spectral gipsy girls? or shrouded forms? or shadowy coffins? or

open vaults? eh, Mrs. Berners?" laughingly inquired Captain Pendleton.

"No, nothing unusual has disturbed us, either last night or to-day. But

now, talking of open vaults, have you brought the crowbar to force the

door, sir?" said Sybil, turning sharply to the Captain.

"Yes, dear Mrs. Berners; since I promised to bring it, I felt bound to

do so; though I hope you will not really have it put to use."

"Just as soon as supper is over, I will have that door forced open. I

will see what that mysterious vault holds," said Sybil, firmly.

And she almost kept her word.

As soon as they had finished the evening meal, she arose and called upon

the gentlemen to go with her and force the door of the vault.

And they went and inserted the crowbar between the grating and the

stonework, and wrenched with all their united strength; but their

efforts availed nothing, even to move the door.

They gave over their exertions to recover their breath, and when they

had got it they began again with renewed vigor; but with no better

success. Again they stopped to breathe, and again they re-commenced the

task with all their might; but after working as hard as they could for

fifteen minutes longer, they again ceased from sheer exhaustion, leaving

the door as fast as they had found it.

"It is of no use to try longer, Sybil. We cannot force it," said Mr.


"I see that you cannot. The vault keeps its secrets well," she answered,


And then they returned to their seats near the fire, and sat and talked

over the projected journey until it was time for Captain Pendleton to


When the husband and wife were left alone, they felt themselves tired

enough to go to rest, with a prospect of getting a good night's sleep.

"This is the last night that we shall spend in this place, dear Sybil,"

said Lyon Berners, as he put the smouldering brands together to keep the

fire up till morning.

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