"Rouse yourself to the occasion, Sybil! Oh! for my sake, for Heaven's

sake, collect your faculties and prepare for flight," he passionately


"I am innocent, and yet I must fly like the guilty! Lyon, for your sake,

and only for yours, I will do it," she answered gravely, and sadly.

"We must not call assistance, nor stop to compliment each other. Pack

quickly up what you will most need for yourself, in a travelling bag,

and I will do the same for myself," explained Lyon Berners, suiting the

action to the word by shoving into his valise some valuable papers,

money, razors, a few articles of clothing, etc.

Sybil showed more promptitude and presence of mind than might have been

expected of her. She quickly collected her costly jewels and ready

money, a change of under clothing, combs, and brushes, and packed them

in a small travelling bag.

"We go on horseback," quickly explained Lyon Berners, as he locked his


Swiftly and silently Sybil threw off her masquerading dress, that she

had unconsciously worn until now, and dropped it on the floor, where it

lay glowing like a smouldering bonfire. She then put on a water-proof

riding habit, and announced herself ready.

"Come, then," said Lyon Berners, taking up both bags, and beckoning her

to follow him silently.

They slipped down the dark stairs and through the deserted halls, and

reached the back door, where, under the shelter of a large hemlock-tree,

Captain Pendleton held the horses. It was dark as pitch, and drizzling

rain. They could see nothing, they could only know the whereabouts of

their "friend in need," and their horses, by hearing Captain Pendleton's

voice speaking through the mist in cautious tones, and whispering: "Lock the door after you, Berners, so as to secure us from intrusion

from within. And then stop there under the porch until I come and talk

to you."

Mr. Berners did as he was requested to do, and then stood waiting for

his friend, who soon came up.

"You have got all you will need on your journey, have you not?" inquired

the Captain.

Mr. Berners replied by telling his friend exactly what he had brought.

"All that is very well, but people require to eat and drink once in a

while. So I have put some sandwiches, and a bottle of wine from the

supper-table, into your saddle-bags. And now, in the hurry, have you

decided upon your route?"

"Yes; we shall endeavor to reach the nearest seaport, Norfolk probably,

and embark for some foreign country, no matter what, for in no place but

in a foreign country can my unhappy wife hope for safety," mournfully

replied Lyon Berners.

"Endeavor to reach Norfolk! That will never succeed. You will be sure to

be overtaken and brought back before you go a score of miles on that

road," declared Captain Pendleton, shaking his head.

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