But their averted eyes too sorrowfully answered her question.

Then she turned to her husband and lowered her voice to an almost

imploring tone as she inquired: "Lyon Berners, do YOU believe me guilty?"

He looked up, and their eyes met. If he had really believed her guilty

he did not now. He answered briefly and firmly: "No, Sybil! Heaven knows that I do not. But oh! my dear wife! explain,

if you can, how that dagger came into your possession, how that blood

came upon your hands; and, above all, why this most unhappy lady should

have charged you with having murdered her."

"At your desire, and for the satisfaction of the few dear old friends

whom I see among this unbelieving crowd, the friends who would deeply

grieve if I should either do or suffer wrong, I will speak. But if it

were not for you and for them, I would die before I would deign to

defend myself from a charge that is at once so atrocious and so

preposterous--so monstrous," said Sybil, turning a gaze full of haughty

defiance upon those who stood there before her face, and dared to

believe her guilty.

A stern voice spoke up from that crowd.

"Mr. Lyon Berners, attend to this. A lady lies murdered in your house.

By whom she has been so murdered we do not know. But I tell you that

every moment in which you delay in sending for the officers of justice

to investigate this affair, compromises you and me and all who stand by

and silently submit to this delay, as accessories, after the fact."

Lyon Berners turned towards the speaker, a grave and stern old man of

nearly eighty years, a retired judge, who had come to the mask ball

escorting his grand-daughters.

"An instant, Judge Basham. Pardon us, if in this dismay some things are

forgotten. The coroner shall be summoned immediately. Captain Pendleton,

will you oblige me by despatching a messenger to Coroner Taylor at

Blackville?" he then inquired, turning to the only friend upon whose

discretion he felt he could rely.

Captain Pendleton nodded acquiescence and intelligence, and left the

room, as if for the purpose specified.

"Now, dear Sybil, with Judge Basham's permission, give our friends the

explanation that you have promised them," said Lyon Berners

affectionately, and confidingly taking her hand and placing himself

beside her.

For all his anger as well as all her jealousy had been swept away in the

terrible tornado of this evening's events.

"The explanation that I promised you, and those who wish me well," she

said emphatically. And then her voice arose clear, firm, and distinct,

as she continued: "I was in my chamber, which is immediately above that occupied by Mrs.

Blondelle. My chamber is approached by two ways, first by the front

passage and stairs, and secondly by a narrow staircase running up from

Mrs. Blondelle's room. And the door leading from her room up this

staircase and into mine, she has been in the habit of leaving open.

To-night, as I said, I was sitting in my chamber; from causes not

necessary to explain now and here, I was too much disturbed in mind to

think of retiring to rest, or even of undressing. I do not know how long

I had sat there, when I heard a piercing shriek from some one in the

room below. Instinctively I rushed down the communicating stairs and

into Mrs. Blondelle's room, and up to her bed, where I saw by the light

of the taper she was lying. Her eyes were closed, and I thought at first

that she had fainted from some fright until, almost at the same instant,

I saw this dagger--" here Sybil stooped and picked up the dagger that

she had dropped a few minutes before--"driven to its haft in her chest.

I drew it out. Instantly the blood from the opened wound spirted up,

covering my hand and sleeve with the accusing stains you see! With the

flowing of the blood her eyes flew wildly open! She gazed affrightedly

at me for an instant, and then with the last effort of her life, for

which terror lent her strength, she started up and fled shrieking to

this room. I, still holding the dagger that I had drawn from her bosom,

followed her here. And--you know the rest," said Sybil; and overcome

with excitement, she sank upon the nearest chair to rest.

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