"Oh, but just reflect what you have just said to me. 'No one near me but

Death!' Death near me!" she repeated, trembling.

"Poor child, are you superstitious as well as nervous? It was the mask I

meant. The mask that was Sybil's partner in the quadrille which we

danced with them," laughed Lyon Berners.

"Oh, yes, I know. And they stood opposite to us. So that we danced with

them more than with any one else! And my own hand turned cold every time

it had to touch his. What a ghastly mask!"

"Yes, indeed. I wonder any man should choose such a one," added Lyon.

"Who is he? Who is that mask?"

"Indeed I do not know. Some one among our invited guests, of course.

But he maintains his incognito so successfully, that even I, who have

discovered most people in the room, have not been able to detect his

identity. However, at supper all will unmask, and we shall see who he


"Look, is he still near me?" inquired Rosa, shaking as if with an ague.

Mr. Berners turned his head, and then answered: "Yes, just to your left."

"Oh! please ask him to go away! I freeze and burn, all in one minute,

while he is near!"

That was enough for Lyon Berners. He arose and went to Death, and said: "Excuse me, friend. No offence is meant; but your rather ghastly costume

is too much for the nerves of the lady who is with me. I do not ask you

to withdraw to some other part of the room; but I ask you whether you

will do so, or whether I shall take the lady away from her


"Oh! I will withdraw! I know that my presence is not ever welcome,

though I am not always so easily got rid of!" answered Death as, with a

low inclination of his head, he went away.

"Oh! I breathe again! I live again!" murmured Rosa, with a sigh of


"And now you are sufficiently rested, the music is striking up for a

lively quadrille, and so, if you please, we will join the dancers and

dance away dull care!" said Lyon Berners, rising and offering his arm to

Rosa Blondelle.

She arose and took his arm.

(Sybil, in her little Puritan's dress moved after them.) He led her to the head of a set that was about to be formed.

"Oh! there she is!" suddenly exclaimed Rosa.





And Rosa pointed to one of the doors, at which Beatrix Pendleton, in

Sybil's disguise, was just entering the room.

"No matter! See! she has taken another direction from this, and will not

be near you, dear child; so be at rest," said Lyon Berners soothingly.

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