But Russell couldn’t recall any pain. All he could remember was Jia’s smile and beautiful tiger eyes glistening with tears of joy.

After the ceremony, the were-tigers set up tables in the courtyard and brought out platters of food and barrels of Tiger Juice. For the Vamp guests, there were bottles of Bubbly Blood, a mixture of synthetic blood and champagne. And for all the children, there was fruit punch and cookies.

As the Grand Tiger, Rajiv welcomed everyone and invited them back in a month for his wedding with Lady Yi-soo. When Yi-soo requested that all the flower girls return for a repeat performance, the proud parents cheered.

Roman Draganesti joined Rajiv on the stairs overlooking the courtyard and asked to say a few words. With a glass of Bubbly Blood in his hand, he gazed over the crowd, and everyone hushed.

“I am well over five hundred years old,” Roman announced, “but I’d like to tell you tonight that in the last eight years of my life, I have found more happiness than I ever imagined possible. And to think it all began when I bit something I shouldn’t have.”

In the crowd, men chuckled and women groaned.

“What did he bite?” Russell whispered to Howard.

Howard snorted. “Don’t ask.”

Roman smiled. “I am happy to report that all the VANNAs have been disposed of.”

The women cheered.

“The night I lost a fang should have been a disaster, but it was the most fortunate night of my life, for it was then that I met my beloved wife, Shanna.” Roman smiled as he motioned toward his wife. “Since then I have been blessed with two beautiful children. And in the eight years that have passed, I have seen more and more of my friends fall in love and marry and have children.”

Everyone in the courtyard cheered.

“My life is so much richer for knowing you all. And my heart is so full of joy that I wanted to share a few words with our newly married couple.” Roman turned to face them. “We may be a ragtag group of different species, but we are family. I thank God that we have found each other and that we have persevered through every adversity. Together, we are stronger and truly blessed. May everyone raise their glass in honor of our latest couple, Russell and Jia. Welcome to the family.”

Everyone cheered and took a drink.

After an hour of partying, Russell teleported back to the bat cave to pick up his wedding present for Jia. Back in Tiger Town, he found her at their table and handed it to her. “This is for you.”

She opened it and gasped. Immediately, a bunch of women crowded around for a look.

“It’s magnificent.” Jia lifted the gold and jade necklace out of the box.

The courtyard was filled with feminine ooh’s and aah’s.

Russell removed Jia’s black beaded hat and looped the long necklace over her head. “Jean-Luc helped me find a jewelry designer in Paris. I wanted it to match the bracelets from your mother.” He glanced down at her wrists, but they were bare. Strange. He’d felt sure she would wear them for the wedding.

Jia touched the necklace. “I will treasure this always. Thank you.” She motioned to her uncles. “I have a wedding gift for you, too.”

Tinzen and Renzen brought several boxes to their table.

“I didn’t expect anything.” Russell opened the first box and laughed when he saw a Stetson. “Now, this is more like it.” He took off the beaded UFO and set the brown cowboy hat on his head. “How did you get it?”

Jia smiled. “I sent Jin Long on a shopping trip to Texas.”

Russell opened the next two boxes and discovered a pair of cowboy boots and a leather tooled belt with holsters.

“Now you can wear your pistols like a real cowboy,” Jia said.

Russell winced inwardly.

“And there’s more!” Jia announced, grinning. “On the land you bought, I had my uncles build a pen. You are now the owner of a horse and three cows!”

Everyone cheered as Russell stared at Jia in shock. She was setting him up as a rancher. She’d anticipated his plan. “How did you know?”

She gave him a wry look. “How could I not know? You’re a cowboy.”

He pulled her into his arms. “Thank you.” His gaze wandered over the gifts on the table. All this, plus a horse and a few cows? “Jia, how were you able to afford it all?”

With a shrug, she reached for his new leather belt. “Here. Try it on.”

He eyed the empty holsters with dismay. “I have to tell you something. I-I don’t have the pistols anymore. I sold them so I could buy the rings, your necklace, and the land, and have enough left over to build a small house.”

Jia’s mouth dropped open. “Y-you sold them?” She pressed a hand to her chest. “But they’re all you have left of your family.”

“You’re my family now.” His gaze fell to her bare wrist. “Where are your bracelets?”

She winced. “I sold them to buy your presents and the farm animals.”

“Jia! That’s all you had left from your mother!”

She sighed. “I wanted to help your dream come true.”

“Where did you sell them? I’ll get them back.”

“You lost your pistols, too.”

He waved a dismissive hand. “It’s okay. I sold them to Zoltan. I know exactly where they are, and I can look at them whenever I want.”

She lifted her chin. “Same thing with my bracelets. I sold them to one of our friends, so I can see them whenever I wish.”

“But you can’t wear them. I’m getting them back!” Russell looked around the crowd of people, then rushed over to Angus and Emma, who had hired him back a few days ago. They were each holding a dragon shifter baby.

“Congratulations!” Emma smiled at him.

“Thank you.” Russell stepped closer to Angus. “Is there a way I can get my next paycheck in advance?”

“Och, funny ye should ask.” Angus handed his baby to Shanna Draganesti, then pulled an envelope from his sporran. “I’ve been meaning to give this to you.”

Russell opened the envelope and stiffened when he saw the amount of the check. It was almost a quarter million. “What the hell?”

“That’s yer salary for the last two years,” Angus explained. “Ye never officially resigned, so I’ve always considered you an employee of MacKay S&I. Ye were certainly working all that time.”

“But . . .” Russell looked at the check again to make sure he was seeing right. “This is more than two years’ wages.”

“Aye.” Angus nodded. “As far as I can tell, ye never took a day off, so ye worked a lot of overtime. And ye deserved a bonus for going above and beyond the call of duty. If it were no’ for you, we would have never defeated the vampire lords and Master . . .” He winced.

“My brother,” Russell muttered. “You don’t need to pay me for killing—”

“Lad.” Angus squeezed his shoulder. “Ye worked hard. Ye earned the money. Take it.”

Russell took a deep breath and exhaled. “All right.”

“And ye’re still working for me.” Angus gave him a pointed look. “From now on, I expect reports.”

“Yes, sir.” Russell saluted.

Angus grinned and slapped him on the back. “Off ye go, lad. Yer bride is waiting.”

“Actually, I need to find out who bought Jia’s bracelets so I can buy them back,” Russell said.

Shanna laughed. “I can help you with that.” She handed the dragon baby back to Angus and removed a gift box from her large handbag. “This is your wedding present from Roman and me.”

Russell opened it and discovered Jia’s bracelets inside. “Y-you’re giving them back?”

“I never intended to keep them. They belong to Jia.”

Then it was Roman and Shanna who had helped finance the start of his ranch. “Thank you. I don’t know how I ever got such good friends.”

Shanna gave him a hug. “Enjoy your life with Jia.”

“I will.” He rushed back to his bride and slipped the bracelets onto her wrists. Her eyes glistened with tears, and he knew with a surge of joy that he’d scored big time.

“How did you get them so quickly?” Jia asked.

“Shanna gave them to us as a wedding present.”

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