Ivan glared at two of the other guests. “Katya, Galina, I have not forgotten. I will make you pay.”

Katya lifted a knife. “Try it, asshole. I’ll kill you again.”

“With pleasure,” Galina added, raising her knife.

“Hello, Howard.” Rhett Bleddyn sneered at the were-bear as he tested the sharpness of his knife. “Welcome to hell.”

Howard glowered back at him. “I see you’re right at home here.”

“He should be,” Corky grumbled, scowling at Rhett. “That bastard slept with me and then killed me!”

Casimir stiffened, giving Corky a stunned look. “You slept with that disgusting werewolf? You were my mistress!”

“You were dead.” Corky shrugged. “And not all that good in bed, either. Your crooked arm was useless.”

Casimir huffed. “It was broken in the Great Vampire War and healed this way in my death-sleep.”

Rhett snorted. “You should have broken it again. I’ll break it for you.”

“Don’t bother,” Corky hissed. “He prefers to look like a freak.”

“Bitch!” Casimir threw a knife at Corky, who’d already thrown her knife at Rhett.

With a cry, Corky wrenched the knife from her chest and plunged it into Casimir. “Bastard!”

“Bloody whores!” Ivan hurled knives at Katya and Galina just as they retaliated.

Within seconds, all six guests collapsed on the tables, dead.

“What the hell?” Russell muttered.

With a sigh, Lucifer lowered his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s so hard to find intelligent help these days.”

Howard scoffed. “Anyone with any sense knows better than to side with evil. You’re a bunch of losers!”

The demons hissed as they brandished their swords.

“Not a good time to be insulting them, Howard,” Roman muttered.

“Aye.” Connor raised his sword. “The beasties outnumber us.”

“Not for long.” Briathos glanced back at the double doors as they burst open.

The rest of Briathos’s unit and all the other Vamps and shifters poured into the room.

“Did ye find her?” Angus asked.

“Jia!” Rajiv spotted her and waved.

She stepped toward them, but the demons yanked her back.

“There is no need for us to fight,” Briathos said. “Hand over Jia, and we will leave.”

“No. You’re all trapped here.” Lucifer stood, his mouth curling into a crooked smile. “You can resist, and we will torture you and kill you over and over. Or you can give in and join me. Your choice. But either way, you’re not leaving.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, asshole,” Russell said. “We are leaving. Wu Shen is leading an army of Han’s soldiers against you. Even the dead souls in hell are attacking you now.”

Markos’s eyes lit up.

Lucifer blinked, then turned to glare at Darafer. “What is this? A rebellion in my kingdom?”

Darafer shook his head. “That can’t be right. Those soldiers belong to me. They sold their souls to me!”

“Right,” Russell goaded him. “You made a bunch of superstrong humans and brought them here to hell, where they could rebel against your master.”

Lucifer’s eyes turned black as he glowered at Darafer. “You took their souls for yourself? You have betrayed me?”

“No! He lies!” Darafer grabbed a knife off the table and snarled at Russell. “You think you can mess with me? I’ll kill you.” He charged toward Russell, but Markos leaped in front just as the demon plunged in his knife.

“No!” Russell shouted, grabbing his brother, who stiffened with a gasp, his hands clutching at Russell’s shirt.

Darafer ripped the knife free, but before he could resume his attack on Russell, Briathos rammed the edge of his sword against the demon’s neck.

“Drop your weapon,” Briathos ordered. “And back away.”

As Markos crumbled to the floor, Russell fell to his knees, holding his brother. “Markos. You shouldn’t have done that.”

“I had to.” His brother grimaced with pain. “You’re still alive. I’m already gone. It doesn’t matter what happens to—”

“Don’t say that! You matter to me.” Russell’s eyes burned with tears as he touched his brother’s face. “I’m so sorry, Markos. I never meant to kill you. No matter what you did, I still love you. I wanted to save you.”

“I know.” Markos struggled to breathe. “My fault. I asked . . . Darafer to bite you. I was wrong.”

“I should have saved you somehow.” Russell’s heart squeezed painfully. “I will save you! I’ll take you out of here!”

“Too late . . . for me.” Markos’s eyes flickered shut. “Be happy.” He went limp in Russell’s arms.

“No!” Russell held him tight as tears ran down his face.

“Since you love him so much, why don’t you stay here?” Lucifer smirked. “He’ll be back in an hour, you know.”

“Master, let us kill them all,” Darafer pleaded.

Briathos kept his sword pressed against the demon’s neck. “Release Jia, and we will leave.”

Lucifer scoffed. “And where will you go? The gate is blocked.”

“Wrong again, asshole.” Russell rose to his feet. “Wu Shen and his army are taking the gate.”

Lucifer’s hands fisted, and he turned to the nearest demon. “Check on it.” After the demon vanished, Lucifer pulled a long dagger from a blackened peach. “I think you lie, Russell. This weapon is coated with my blood. Once I have proof of your lies, I will use it on you first.”

The demon reappeared and fell to his knees. “Master. Our army is surrounded by God Warriors and rebels. The gate is open, and dead souls are trying to escape!”

Lucifer’s face turned red with rage. “My own people defy me?” He glared at Darafer. “My kingdom invaded. My people rebelling. And now, they’re escaping!”

“Master, please!” Darafer pleaded.

Briathos stepped back as Lucifer flew toward the demon and stabbed him through the heart with the blood-coated dagger.

Darafer screamed and collapsed onto the ground, where he writhed a few seconds before disintegrating.

The demon was dead, Russell realized. He’d thought only the Heavenly Father or an archangel could kill the demon—but then again, Lucifer had been an archangel at one time.

Lucifer breathed heavily, his teeth gritting as he glared at Briathos. “This is my domain. Get out. Take the girl and go!”

Jia ran toward them. “Russell!”

He grabbed her, hugging her tight. “Jia. Thank God.”

Lucifer hissed. “It is me you should thank. Now get out of here!”

“My brother—” Russell started, but Lucifer’s eyes turned black.

“He’s mine.” Lucifer turned to the demons. “As soon as they’re gone, close the gate. Quickly!”

After one last look at his brother, Russell linked his hand with Jia’s and turned toward the door.

“This way!” Briathos and the God Warriors led the way as they all dashed for the palace doors.

Outside, Gabriel and his God Warriors had the demon army subdued, while Wu Shen’s army was guarding the open gate.

Russell paused just long enough to look Jia over. “Are you all right? I was so worried about you. Those bastards didn’t hurt you?”

“I’m great!” With tears in her eyes, she hugged him, then turned to give Rajiv a hug.

“This is Lady Yi-soo,” Rajiv introduced the woman next to him as he took her hand. “Let’s go!” They ran for the gate.

“Who is she?” Jia asked.

“Long story.” Russell grabbed Jia’s hand. “Let’s go home.”

Russell and Jia hurried for the gate. While he’d stopped to make sure she was all right, the other Vamps and shifters had gone ahead and were already passing through the gate. Just as Rajiv, Russell, and the two women drew near, Han’s three vampire lords jumped into their path to stop them.

“You dared to kill me!” Lord Qing yelled at Rajiv, then swung a sword at him. “I will have my revenge.”

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