The prince grunted and regarded Russell and J.L. with disdain. Russell met his gaze, giving him a look of challenge. Which would you like first, Prince? A black eye or a broken nose?

Rajiv lifted a hand, and a servant approached. “Please bring two cups and a bottle of Blissky for our new guests.”

As the maidservant rushed off, Rajiv gestured to the food. “Please enjoy the meal. Let me pour you a drink.” He lifted a teapot and filled the prince’s cup.

The were-tigers started eating again. Russell and J.L. scooted to the end of the table, where they sat cross-legged. Russell watched everyone carefully and noticed that Rajiv’s gaze was drifting often to the pretty young lady in the prince’s entourage. She was quietly focusing on her plate in front of her.

The maidservant placed two cups in front of Russell and J.L., then filled them with Blissky, a mixture of synthetic blood and whisky.

“I must say, I am terribly disappointed that Lady Jia is not here,” the prince grumbled. “Surely she knew we would be arriving soon.”

“I apologize,” Rajiv murmured. “It couldn’t be helped.”

“Why will you not tell me where she is?” the prince demanded. “I could have my men fetch her.”

Rajiv smiled. “I appreciate the offer, but that will not be necessary. We hope to have her back soon.” He exchanged a look with his uncles. The other men on his side of the table shifted uncomfortably and fiddled with their food. Obviously, none of them wanted the prince to know where Jia was.

“A toast to Lady Jia.” Russell lifted his glass, and everyone drank. “So, Rajiv, can you tell me who everybody is?”

Rajiv looked relieved to have the subject changed. “You know my uncles.” He motioned to the four older gentlemen. “These are esteemed members of my Council of Elders.”

“I have already introduced my entourage, but I will do so again.” With an annoyed look, the prince nodded to the people on his side of the table. “My father’s secretary of state, the leader of our Council of Elders, my personal secretary, my head of security, and Lady Yi-soo.”

“If I might be so bold as to inquire, why is there a noblewoman traveling with you?” Rajiv’s gaze lingered once more on the young lady.

Prince Mi-nam waved a dismissive hand. “Her title is merely honorary. In truth, she is little more than a servant.”

Lady Yi-soo kept her head bowed, but her cheeks turned pink.

Rajiv’s jaw shifted. “Then I am even more curious as to why she is here.”

The prince glanced down at her with a scornful look. “My father insisted on it. She is to serve as Lady Jia’s personal bodyguard and tutor. Lady Yi-soo is skilled in martial arts and fencing. And she will be teaching Lady Jia our language and glorious traditions. Surely Lady Jia will not wish to be an embarrassment to our royal court?”

Rajiv gritted his teeth. “Of course not.”

Russell wondered what the prince would look like with his golden crown wrapped around his throat.

J.L. cleared his throat. “Then Lady Yi-soo can understand us? She speaks Chinese?”

“Of course,” Prince Mi-nam answered for her. “She is fluent in several languages. She was allowed to attend school with the other royal children.”

“Other royal children?” Rajiv asked.

The prince shrugged. “My father has sired over fifty children, but they need not concern you. I am the eldest legitimate son and therefore heir to the throne. The illegitimate children inherit nothing, so you needn’t fear that Lady Yi-soo will be a threat of any kind to your cousin. As my wife, Lady Jia will become the Grand Tigress and receive all the honor and wealth due to her station.”

Rajiv’s eyes narrowed.

Russell amended his vision. Instead of wrapping the prince’s golden crown around his neck, he imagined cramming it down the bastard’s throat.

“Are you saying Lady Yi-soo is illegitimate?” Rajiv asked quietly, glancing at her.

She set her chopsticks down as her cheeks bloomed a brighter pink.

The prince snorted. “Is this really worth discussing? Do you wish to cause her further embarrassment? Believe me, she already knows her place.”

Rajiv hissed in a breath.

Russell slammed his cup down on the table. “Is it one of your glorious traditions for the Grand Tiger to be unfaithful to his wife?”

The prince huffed. “My father’s private life is hardly any of your concern.”

Anger simmered in Rajiv’s golden eyes. “It is our concern if you intend to follow in his footsteps.”

The prince gave him an incredulous look. “Your Eminence, surely you understand the true nature of an arranged marriage. My betrothal with Lady Jia has been enacted for the sole purpose of creating an alliance between our two kingdoms. It is a political union, nothing more. Like my father, I will look elsewhere—”

With a growl, Russell jumped to his feet. “You bas—”

“Stop,” J.L. hissed in English as he grabbed Russell’s arm. “Let Rajiv handle this.”

Russell pulled away. “I need to clobber him.”

The prince cleared his throat. “I understand English, too.”

“Then understand this,” Rajiv announced. “I will not allow my cousin to enter into a faithless marriage. She deserves better than that.”

Prince Mi-nam snorted. “Come now. You’re a Grand Tiger just like I’ll be someday. We’re not allowed to marry for love. It is only natural for us to—”

“I realize I will have to marry according to my position,” Rajiv interrupted, “but I will make every effort to ensure my marriage becomes a union based on love. I will treat my wife with respect and honor, remaining faithful to her each day, so that in time I might earn her love.”

The prince rolled his eyes. “We can live for hundreds of years. How could you remain faithful for centuries?”

“How could I not be faithful when there is love?” Rajiv asked. “My grandfather was faithful to his wife. My parents were faithful to each other. That is our tradition. My cousin will not accept less.”

Prince Mi-nam huffed with indignation. Russell was ready to punch the prince’s lights out, but he felt a surge of pride over how well Rajiv had handled the matter. Obviously, he and Rajiv felt the same way about marriage. And it looked like Lady Yi-soo did, too. She was gazing at Rajiv with tears in her eyes.

A sudden flash of light filled the room, and Russell turned to see Briathos materializing by the door.

“What the hell?” Prince Mi-nam scrambled to his feet and rushed to stand behind his bodyguards.

Russell snorted. He was a wimp, all right. “Not hell. More like heaven.” He turned to the God Warrior. “Any news? How is Jia?”

Briathos bowed his head. “Greetings, dear souls. An hour has passed since—”

“You mean six days!” Russell yelled.

“Yes.” Briathos gave him a wry look. “We are aware of how much time has passed on Earth.”

“What has happened?” Russell demanded. “Did Lucifer let her go?”

“Lucifer?” Prince Mi-nam asked.

“It’s a long story,” Russell growled, then asked Briathos, “well?”

The God Warrior shook his head. “Lucifer has refused to release her. The archangel Gabriel is gathering an army of five hundred God Warriors. We have permission to invade hell.”

Russell nodded. “I’m coming with you.”

“Hell?” Prince Mi-nam asked, his voice rising.

Russell shot him an impatient look. “Yes, hell. When I killed Master Han, the God Warriors came to banish the demon Darafer back to hell. Unfortunately, he took Jia with him.”

“Lady Jia is in hell?” the prince asked, an incredulous look on his face. “That’s impossible! People aren’t taken to hell.”

“Oh, really?” Russell gritted his teeth. “I’ll take you. You can help us rescue her.”

The prince scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not sure I even believe this ludicrous story.”

“It is true,” Rajiv told him. “Lady Jia was kidnapped by a demon and taken to hell.”

“We will assist with her rescue,” Tenzen said, motioning to his twin, Rinzen.

“Me, too,” J.L. added. Copyright 2016 - 2024