Chandra, on the other hand, went back to the nook as though to commemorate their reconciliation.

"How nice it feels to be close to her,‟ he felt ecstatic. "What a joy it is really. What's that she seeks from me! Weird are the ways of life, aren't they? If not for her predicament, she wouldn't have had a second look at me, leave alone seeking my friendship. Who knows if I could solve her problem, I may even win her affection. After all, won‟t friendship between man and woman lead to love?

That night, while Nithya sank into sleep in relief, Chandra hit the pillow daydreaming.

Waking up early the next day, as though to welcome a new dawn in their lives, they both remained tentative thinking about the outcome of their expected meeting. But as the time neared for the rendezvous while Chandra was beset by doubts, Nithya was seized with shame.

"What if she develops second thoughts?‟ he was haunted by the thought.

"How to tell him?‟ she racked her brains no end.

Wearied at last, while he left the issue for his fate to decide, unable to hit upon the right presentation, she decided to entrust the matter to her instinct itself. However, in the end, driven by desire, as he reached the nook, he found her in all anticipation.

“Oh, sorry,” he said, sitting beside her, “I've kept you waiting.”

“You're not late,” she said checking with her watch, “but I came early.”

"It is funny really,‟ he thought aloud. "We're friends without knowing who we are!‟

“I'm Nithya.”

“I like your name,” he said. “I'm Chandra.”

“Inspiring name, isn't it?”

“Not so if you go by my namesake who wavers in the skies.”

“Then it's wise,” she said smiling, “to take your word before he arrives.”

“You're a real wit,” he said in all admiration.

“Do you lack any?” she returned the compliment.

“Hope to hope.”

“Maybe for now, who knows?”

“And for now I'm at your service,” he said squatting in all attention.

“I badly need your help as I told you,” she said in embarrassment. “But I don't know what to tell and where to begin. And it's a delicate matter too. I am at a loss how to handle it.”

“Begin from your adolescence,” he suggested. “Though childhood would've a bearing on it, life really starts at that point.”

“That's true,” she said as though he showed her the way to lead her story. “Besides helping you to get a total picture of me, it would give me time before I come to the point. Here is the embarrassing account of my life.” Copyright 2016 - 2025