Quinn, who remained silent most of the morning, showed increased interest. Over lunch he shared his thoughts.

"I admit something truly strange is happening and it appears to result from a combination of Howie's . . . uniqueness and the power source my equipment emits."

"You mean my scrambled brain waves," Howie said with a smile.

Quinn laughed. "I still won't buy these apparitions are trips to the past. In my mind they're unique dreams conjured up by your mind. I'm curious enough to fool around with my dials and trying to see the effect of different settings."

My wife started to say something but Quinn just smiled. "Yes, Betsy. I am recording my settings." For the first time, I felt we all sensed we might be on to something highly significant.

We managed four positive sessions in the afternoon but only one exposed a time and location. It was the first occasion the dream took place close to the present time; less than four years ago! Howie visited a suburban home in Orange County, Indiana and pegged the date by an open newspaper. The house, however, was empty.

The strain of our activities was wearing on everyone, especially Howie. We decided to leave the house and reconnoiter at a local restaurant, one that served wine. I assumed we'd discuss our latest findings but Howie, ever hyper in the secrecy department, disallowed any mention our activities in public. Once again, we abided by his wishes, albeit reluctantly.

We agreed the tests were finished for the day but mellowed by wine; we spent two more evening hours summarizing our findings. Quinn's fascination increased with his wine consumption. He admitted ignorance, scientifically speaking, but was now committed to finding answers. If he was having any success adjusting his settings, he didn't convey his conclusions to us. While to the rest of us, questioned if Howie's visions recorded real life events and if so, how to prove veracity of the vision, Quinn, the scientist wanted only to know why.

Sunday was more productive than Saturday. We only managed four sessions; one to an uninhabited area, another in open farm land but one we thought was interesting. The dream took place in a foreign area. Two travelers in dusty desert garb spoke in a language unrecognizable to Howie. Only Quinn seemed pleased with that result but when we tried to question him about it he refused to discuss the matter.

"When I have some answers, I'll share them," was all he'd say.

The final dream produced the names of two families together with time and location. Betsy was hopeful she might confirm the people lived in the area at time of the dream.

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