The key Howie had left fit the door in the rear so I couldn't rely on my headlights to see. After banging a shin on the low stone wall that encircles the flagstone patio, I finally reached the back door. The portal led to an ante room between the attached garage and main house. After a fair amount of fumbling with the lock I was in. I cursed myself for not bringing a flashlight as I felt around the walls for a light switch. I located one on the far wall but to my chagrin, there was no result from flipping it up and down.

I couldn't believe Howie would turn off the power for what was supposed to be a short trip. I crept cautiously forward until I encountered a closed door, leading, I presumed, to the main house. I found myself in the kitchen. Here, some light vial the living room picture window provided a faint outline of fixtures and furniture. Other light switches were as equally ineffective as the first. Howie wasn't tops on my list of favorite people at the moment.

I assumed his bedroom lay beyond the large living room that dominated the front of the house. An investigation proved that to be the case. There were three bedrooms but the largest one, presumably belonging to Howie, was located in the rear of the house where it remained pitch black. I made my way back to the kitchen and turned on the gas stove burner for enough light to rummage through drawers until I located a box of wooden matches. Thus fortified with light I returned to the bedroom and opened the closet door. I was reaching for his hanging suit when I heard an automobile roll up the driveway. I glanced out in time to see it moving with its headlights off.

My match burned my fingertips before I shook it out. I stood in silence. My parked car was notice to a visitor that someone was here. Howie was three thousand miles away; who would come to call at this hour of the night? I could just see from the doorway where I stood as a figure emerged from the darkened automobile and moved stealthy toward the back of the house. I fumbled in my pocket for my cell phone without luck. I'd left it home! I remembered passing a hall phone just off the living room. I moved quickly to it and thankfully, there was a dial tone! I dialed 911.

"I think someone is breaking into this house," I whispered. Before the operator could respond, I blurted out Howie's address. Before I could say more, I heard the telltale noise of breaking glass from the far side of the house! I left the phone off the hook, retreated back to the bedroom and with my heart racing, I closed the door behind me. Copyright 2016 - 2025