Massachusetts. This is a dreary city that has seen better days, a long, long time ago. I'll give them credit; there is some feeble attempt to revive it but I fear any hint of its past splendor is deeply buried by the rubbish of a legion of passing strangers, renters with no pride of ownership or a will to improve their surroundings. There is a lovely beach that stretches miles along the blue Atlantic. It's a shame I don't have a little princess to lay to rest along its pristine shore. Perhaps it's not so pristine, like most of this tired city. But much as I long for companionship I'm here on business.

I congratulate my own brilliance and hurray for the Internet! Between the two I'm sure of my triumphant success in completing this stage of my quest to hunt down this distractor in my road of adventure. To do so, required my thinking like this fool; no easy chore for a person as intelligent as I. How would I, this nervous average person convey an important tip without being found out? Why, I'd use a pay phone and one not too close by!

I knew from my in depth research, the number and location of all payphones bearing the area code and first two numbers dear Brenda provided me. But now I've narrowed my quest to just three possible locations and I'm sure at one of these disease-laden phones stood the infamous Psychic Tipster! I can sense the ghost, with trembling fingers dialing the number!

But where did you live? Surely you dwell here or in one of these surrounding towns. Are you still there, waiting for me to come to you? No, you moved, but where? Now you've learned to use caution and untraceable phones, but I caught you're one mistake, didn't I? You're not infallible like me. One clue following another until we are together and I rid myself of your foolish games and inconvenient interruptions. Copyright 2016 - 2025