She’d slipped her shoes off and sat in a tight ball with her arms wrapped around her legs.

“Something wrong?”

“Do you think this is weird?”

“Us bein’ together?”

“Us being together on a blanket in a field out in the middle of nowhere?”

“I don’t know if it’s weird, but I can say it’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this.”

Her head turned so fast he wondered if she’d given herself whiplash. “It is? I mean, which part of it?”

“All of it. After I’ve been working outside all day I tend to stay indoors if I have free time.”

“So the last thing you’d ever want to do is lie on the hard ground, surrounded by weeds and bugs while the sun beats down on you?”

Carson pushed up and sat on his haunches. “No, the last thing I want is to see that pinched look on your pretty face. Tell me what you want from me, Carolyn. And don’t be shy.”

She blurted, “I want to roll around on the blanket with you and make out. But I have these stupid stockings on and I don’t want to snag them and this sweater is scratchy, and it was really forward of me to ask—”

He put his fingers over her lips. “Problems that are easily fixed. Nothin’ is gonna happen out here that you don’t want to happen. Okay?”

“What if I don’t know what I want? You have so much experience with this—”

“Whoa. Hold on. Is that why you’re with me? Because you want me to give you some experience?”

“No, I’m here because I like being with you. When you kiss me…I feel things I never have before and I don’t know what to do or how to act on those feelings.”

Sweet Jesus she was killing him. Killing him. He’d never been interested in virgins. He preferred women with experience—that way there was no misunderstanding that a quick f**k wasn’t a relationship.

But when he looked at her? Kissed her? Thought about touching her? He had the fierce need to be the only man who ever put his hands on her. The only man who’d put his mouth on her. The only c**k that she’d ever know would be his. And he’d be the only man who’d ever hear the noises she made when she came.

“Carson? Say something.”

He took her hands and removed her arms from around her knees. “Do you trust me?”

“I-I think so.”

“Yes or no, sugar. No in between.”

“You’re so intense right now. The way you’re looking at me…”

“Am I scaring you?”

“No. I like it.”

Carson angled his head and brushed his mouth across hers. Just once.

She trembled.

He dragged his thumb across the base of her throat where her pulse pounded. “Do you trust me?”


“Take off your sweater.”

He expected hesitation but got none. Carolyn kept her eyes on his as she slipped each button through the buttonhole. When she started to shrug out of the sweater, he shook his head.

“I do that.” Carson slipped the material down her arms and kissed the curve of the shoulder he’d bared. “Now rest on your elbows and stretch out your legs.”

Moving to the edge of the blanket, he circled her left ankle, bending her knee. Then using just the tips of his fingers, he slowly followed the curve of her calf until his hand disappeared beneath her skirt. He didn’t need to watch what he was doing; he needed to watch her face as he touched her.

Her teeth dug into her bottom lip when he paused to stroke the crease behind her knee. He felt her tremble as his fingers continued up her inner thigh until they reached the band of her stockings where the tiny straps connected to the garter belt.

He bided his time unhooking the stockings, enjoying every brush of his fingertips on her amazingly soft bare skin. Once the stocking was free, he dragged it back down her leg, letting her feel the difference between the softness of the silk on her skin and the roughness of his hands.

After he tucked the stocking in the toe of her shoe, he reached for her other leg. He remained in the same position, catching his balance. Any more pressure on his c**k and it was liable to turn blue and fall off.

Carolyn’s gaze went a little unfocused when he traced the base of her toes and the top of her foot. Her chest rose and fell and her teeth were still digging in to her lower lip. She jumped when he drew circles around the inside of her anklebone.


“It’s making me jittery.”

“That’s not a bad thing. Means you like what I’m doin’.”

She nodded.

“Just imagine what it’ll feel like when I do this with my mouth.”

Her squirminess became a whole lot worse at that point.

Carson’s fingers swept higher, caressing the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. Close enough he felt the heat drifting from her pu**y.

Although he’d promised to take it slow, he had the overwhelming need to push her skirt up to her hips and fasten his mouth on that sweet, untouched flesh between her thighs.

“Carson,” she said a little breathlessly.

“What, sugar?”

“You made that scary noise again.”

His gaze snagged hers, then he grinned unrepentantly. “Better get used to it.” Removing her stocking, he shoved it in the other shoe. “Now we’re ready to roll around on the blanket and make out.”

Her cheeks flushed that sweet shade of pink.

He rolled to his back and brought her body on top of his, swallowing her gasp as he kissed her.

Carolyn might be a virgin, but she didn’t kiss like one. That seductively stroking tongue of hers could bring a man to his knees.

The passion between them knocked him for a loop. Being with her—fully clothed—was more intimate than being naked with other women. His hands were roaming down her back, cupping her ass, sliding around to grip her hips. When he couldn’t run his fingers through her soft blonde locks, he broke the kiss, letting his lips skim her jawline to her ear. “Take it down.”

She froze. “What?”

“Your hair. Take it down for me.”

“Oh. Okay.” She struggled to get upright, so Carson sat up and braced her butt against his legs as her knees straddled his waist.

She brought both arms up and started removing pins from her hair. Once the sections were all down, she combed through it with her fingers.

“Beautiful,” he murmured and curled his hands around her face, sliding his fingers into her hair and taking her mouth in a deep kiss. Copyright 2016 - 2025