Thither about Christmas J.C. and Nellie went, and from

her small back room in the fifth story of a New York boarding-house

Nellie writes to Louis glowing descriptions of high life in the

city, and Louis, glancing at his crutches and withered feet, smiles

as he thinks how weary he should be climbing the four flights of

stairs which lead to that high life.

And now, with one more glance at Maude, we bring our story to a

close. It is Easter, and over the earth the April sun shines

brightly, just as it shone on the Judean hills eighteen hundred

years ago. The Sabbath bells are ringing, and the merry peal which

comes from the Methodist tower bespeaks in John a frame of mind

unsuited to the occasion. Since forsaking the Episcopalians. he had

seldom attended their service, but this morning, after his task is

done, he will steal quietly across the common to the old stone

church, where James De Vere and Maude sing together the glorious

Easter Anthem. Maude formerly sang the alto, but in the old world

her voice was trained to the higher notes, and to-day it will be

heard in the choir where it has so long been missed.

The bells have ceased to toll, and a family group come slowly up the

aisle. Dr. Kennedy, slightly bent, his white hair shading a brow

from which much of his former sternness has gone, and his hand

shaking but slightly as he opens the pew door and then steps back

for the lady to enter, the lady Maude Glendower, who walks not as

proudly as of old. She, too, has been made better by adversity, and

though she will never love the palsied man, her husband, she will be

to him a faithful wife, and a devoted mother to his boy, who in the

square, old-fashioned pew sits where his eye can rest upon his

beautiful sister, as her snowy fingers sweep once more the organ

keys, which tremble joyfully as it were to the familiar touch.

Low, deep-toned, and heavy is the prelude to the song, and they who

listen feel the floor tremble beneath their feet. Then a strain of

richest melody echoes through the house, arid the congregation hold

their breath, as Maude De Vere sings to them of the Passover once

sacrificed for us.

And now, shall we not leave them thus with the holy Easter light

streaming up the aisles and the sweet music of the Easter song dying

on the air?

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