The back door opened and Scarlett appeared. “Oh hey, there’s the resident moody biker.”

I stood. “And to what do we owe this pleasure?” I asked, not even attempting to hide my sarcasm.

“I left a pair of my shoes here. And I also wanted to say thank you to you.”


She huffed out a breath. “Yes, really . Don’t be a prick, Scott. I’m trying to do the right thing here. As much as you and I have had run-ins and said cross words to each other, you came through for me when most don’t, and I appreciate what you did. So, thank you.”

Scarlett was unlike most women I’d met in my life. She said it like it was, didn’t put up with bullshit, and as far as I could work out, she had balls the size of most men’s. “I appreciate that, but let’s get one thing straight – you kicking me in the balls is not classified as a run-in in my book, it’s a lot worse than a run-in, and it won’t ever happen again.”

A grin teased her lips, but didn’t quite form. “It will if you act like an ass.”

“Jesus,” I muttered with a shake of my head. Eyeing Harlow, I said, “I’m gonna leave you girls to it, but don’t take too long, baby. We’ve got shit to do, if you recall.”

Harlow tried not to laugh. “I do.”

I left her to her laughing about my situation of an unresolved hard-on, and headed into the lounge room. I’d just settled in front of the television and put my feet up when Lisa came through the front door. We’d given her a key a while ago, but she didn’t use it very often, so I was surprised to see her.

“Hi, Scott,” she greeted me.

“Hi, darlin’, how’s your day been?” I motioned for her to take a seat. As far as she’d come with her confidence over the last year, she still had a way to go. Feeling comfortable enough to make herself at home in ours, was something Harlow and I had been encouraging, yet she was still a little shy about it.

She settled on the edge of the couch. “I qualified to compete in the school swimming carnival which is on next week, so it was a good day today.”

“What day is it on next week?”

“Friday. Why?”

“Can I come and watch?”

Her body stilled as she stared at me. “Really?”

I fought to hold my cool. It still killed me when she displayed surprise at Harlow’s or my interest in her life. “Yes, really.”

A smile slowly filled her face. “Sure, that would be awesome. Do you think Harlow can come, too?”

“If she can get the time off work, I’m sure she’ll come.” Harlow would do everything in her power to be at that swimming carnival. Of that, I was sure. “Is your mum going?”

She nodded. “Yes. So, I’ll have you and her there, and maybe Harlow.” Her excited voice hit me in the gut. Hard and swift. It was so easy to make a child happy, and yet some parents failed at it. Harlow and I wouldn’t. We would make sure our child knew deep in their soul how loved they were. And we would continue to find ways to show Lisa how much we cared about her.

“Harlow spoke to you about Saturday?”

“Yes! We’re going dress shopping tomorrow after school. I can’t wait – it’ll be my first real dress.” She suddenly reached into her pocket and pulled something out. Handing it to me, she said, “I nearly forgot, I have your money to give back to you.”

Frowning, I asked, “What money?”

She shoved it at me. “The money you lent me for my sport uniform.”

I held my hand up to indicate I didn’t want it. “You keep it. Either give it back to your mum or keep it for emergencies.” I hoped she would choose to keep it – knowing she had cash on hand put my mind at ease.

Her eyes held mine, and they softened as she nodded and put the money away. “Thank you.” Her voice was quiet, but full of emotion, and I knew my gesture meant a lot to her.

I also knew she would be uncomfortable with this, so I changed the subject. Jerking my chin at the television, I said, “You wanna watch The Simpsons?”

She grinned and finally kicked back on the couch. “Yeah.”

Lisa loved The Simpsons. Me, not so much, but watching it had become our thing. It zoned her into her happy place, and I would do anything to give her that happy place, so, The Simpsons, it was.

Harlow stood in front of the mirror in our bathroom, in her sexy, red lingerie, smoothing moisturiser onto her face. She was completely engrossed in what she was doing, so she didn’t notice me standing in the doorway. I took the opportunity to appreciate her beauty. Harlow was easily the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on, and as I trailed my gaze over her curves, I grew hard just like I always did. She never failed to turn me on, and I knew I was the luckiest bastard in the world for the simple fact I’d now have her by my side for the rest of my life.

“Are you checking out my ass?” Her voice jolted me from my thoughts.

Finding her eyes, I smiled and moved to stand behind her. Placing my hands on her ass, I murmured, “No, but I was getting there.” I bent and kissed her neck, letting my lips linger on her skin for a few moments.

“I’m sorry Cassie ended up staying for so long.” Cassie stayed for dinner and hadn’t gone home until just after nine, but I hadn’t cared because it made Harlow happy to have her there. And, fuck, seeing Harlow as happy as she’d been over the last couple of days made me happy. Copyright 2016 - 2024