I filled her in on Lisa and Michelle, and took her over to their house. They were both sleeping, so I woke Michelle up to let her know what was happening. She was so ill that she only nodded her agreement and then fell straight back asleep.

After I made sure Sharon had everything she needed, I headed back home to finish getting ready for work, and then drove to the café while ignoring the tickle in my throat. I had no time to be sick.

“I spoke with Sharon,” Wilder said to me that night after I arrived at Indigo for my shift. I’d told him that morning to call her. “She’s gonna pick up some of your shifts at Indigo.”

“Thank God.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Are you coming down with something?”

“No, I’m just tired, that’s all.” I followed him into the office and asked, “Have you heard from Scott or any of the boys?”

“No. You?”

I shook my head. “No.” I’d tried not to think about them all day, but it had been a futile attempt. I’d also struggled to think about anything else besides Lisa and her mother.

Wilder stopped what he was doing and came to me. “Harlow, you don’t need to worry about Scott. He’s got this shit covered.” Wilder was a good guy and the way he spoke to me, with care, just reinforced what I already knew.

“I know you’re trying to reassure me and I appreciate it, and I’m trying not to worry, but it’s just my nature to always think about those I love. I have faith that he’ll be okay, though.”

His gaze held mine for another few moments and then he nodded. “I’ll let you know when I hear something, but my bet’s on him calling you before he calls us.”

Smiling at him, I said, “Thank you.” Taking a step backwards and out of the office, I added, “I better go get ready for my shift.”

“I’ve gotta head out soon, but I’ve got Rogue stationed out front keeping an eye on security. Just let him know if anything strange happens, yeah?”

“Will do,” I agreed before leaving him to head to the staff room.

I ran into Rogue in the hallway, not loving the way his gaze zoomed in on my chest. “Hi, gorgeous,” he greeted me. His voice grated on me as much as his gaze did.

Fixing an icy glare on him, I said, “Don’t call me gorgeous. And I don’t appreciate your eyes on my chest.”

He raised his brows. “You’re fuckin’ kidding me, aren’t you?”

“No, I’m not fucking kidding you,” I snapped, my irritation jumping to record levels. It took a lot to piss me off, but this guy had managed to do it both times we’d come in contact.

Anger clouded his features. “If I want my eyes on your tits, that’s exactly where I’m gonna have my fuckin’ eyes. I don’t appreciate club whores telling me what the fuck I can and can’t do.”

My blood boiled to the point where I thought it could blister my skin. “You need to get your facts straight, asshole, because I don’t appreciate club members calling me a whore when that is so far from what the hell I am.”

His hand shot out and he gripped my bicep as he shoved me against the wall. Bending his face to mine, he snarled, “Bitch, I really don’t give a flying fuck what you are. Stay out of my way if you don’t want my eyes on your tits and my hands on your body.”

My heart beat faster and my breaths grew shallow, but I’d be damned if I would let him threaten me like this. Shoving him hard so he stumbled back, I warned, “Don’t ever place your hands on me again. I can guarantee you that you won’t like the repercussions if you do.”

The way he sneered sent chills along my spine and I fought not to wrap my arms around my body in an attempt to shelter myself from him. I refused to give him the satisfaction of that.

He opened his mouth to speak again, but at that minute, Wilder came our way. “Everything okay with you two?” he enquired, a frown on his face.

Rogue flashed a huge smile at him and nodded. “We were just getting acquainted. Everything’s good here. You going home, man?”

Wilder stared at Rogue for a moment before turning his attention to me. “You good, Harlow?”

I regained control over my breathing and nodded. “I’m good. And I just had a call from Scott who asked me to let you know he wants Rogue stationed over at Trilogy tonight. He’s called Blade to send someone else here for the night.”

Wilder’s face pulled into a frown. “Really? He hasn’t called me about that.”

I watched Rogue carefully, taking in the way his face contorted in anger. Fuck you, asshole. Holding his gaze, I nodded and said, “Yeah, he said he didn’t have time to make two calls and - ” I turned my gaze to Wilder and hit him with a sweet smile, “ – I guess you were right when you hedged your bet that he’d call me first.”

Wilder grinned. Bingo. Way to a man’s heart – tell them they were right about something. “I knew he would, babe.” Looking at Rogue, he said, “Okay, brother, I guess you’re off strip club duty. I’ll catch you later.”

Once Wilder had walked away, Rogue got in my face. “What’s your fuckin’ game, bitch?”

I squared my shoulders. “You wanna fuck with me, expect me to fuck back with you. I’m no club whore; I’m the President’s old lady, and I roll over for no one, asshole.” I spat my words out before turning on my heel and stalking away from him. My heart had begun beating a million times faster than it usually did; well, at least that was how it felt in my chest. Threatening a man like Rogue wasn’t something I had ever done, but as far as I was concerned, it had to be done. I had to show him I wouldn’t be a pushover.

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