And, start getting his life together. He’d sat around for a month. Granted he’d been hurt, but it was still too long. His father used to fall apart when his mom played her games. That wouldn’t be Noah.

When he made his way into the kitchen, Coop was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. This time, with his shirt on. Thank God.

“I’m going to head out. I want to grab some parts for the shower, and maybe see if there’s any buildings or shops I can look into.” It was probably a good idea to get Cooper’s shower fixed so they didn’t have the same problem again.

Coop nodded. “Let me know if you need me to ask around. And give me the receipt for whatever you buy, and I’ll pay ya back.”

“Thanks. I will. Town’s not too big, I’m sure I’ll figure something out.”

“Depending on when you get back, I might not be here. I talked to Adrianna, this woman I see from time to time. We’re going out, and then I’m staying at her place tonight.” Cooper grinned at him.

A knot formed in Noah’s gut, that he had no business feeling. Coop had a right to go out. It surprised him this was the first time Cooper had made plans with a woman. “Guess I don’t need to tell ya to have fun,” Noah tried to tease, but the words were awkward on his tongue.

“Definitely not.” He stood and Noah looked at him. For the first time all morning, Cooper met his eyes.

Coop stood there for a second, staring at him as though he wanted to say something else. Noah waited, but it never came. “Have a good one. I’ll see ya tomorrow or something.”

Hell, maybe Noah would go out too. Maybe a night with a man was what he needed to get his mind off Cooper.


Cooper stood at the counter in the busy bar. It wasn’t the same one he’d taken Noah to the other night. He decided to take Adrianna to Rowdies. Things were a little upbeat here. A band played in the back. The dance floor so packed, it looked like people could hardly move.

They always tried to go places that weren’t right in town. Rumors spread so fast in Blackcreek, and since neither Adrianna or Cooper wanted anything serious with each other, it made things easier.

“You’re awfully quiet, Cooper.” She looked up at him from the stool she sat on. Coop stood in front of her, close, Adrianna’s back to the bar so she could see him.

And she was right. He was being quiet. But he wasn’t sure why. “Nah. You’re imagin’ things.” He grinned at her and she smiled back. She really was a beautiful woman. He’d always loved red hair. Hers was this deep shade, with certain spots looking almost purple in some lights. Cooper touched it, let some of the strands slide through his fingertips. All that soft hair. This was what he needed to try and focus on. This and the fact that they both wanted the same thing from each other was just icing on the cake. She wasn’t looking for a guy like Coop for the long haul. He guessed he wasn’t the kind of guy she thought would be a good fit as her kid’s stepdad.

She was right. Not that he didn’t like kids. He just never saw himself as a father. The thought of getting hurt and leaving a child behind scared him too much.

Leaning forward, he put his mouth close to her ear. “It’s been a while. How have things been with you?” His arms were on either side of her, palms on the edge of the counter.

“Too long. And things are good. Keeping busy at work.” She had this husky, smoky voice, that had always driven him wild. “How’s your friend that you brought to the ER? He hurt his ribs, right?”

At that, Cooper pulled away and stood up straight. It would mean he’d have to talk louder so she could hear. Noah was the last person he wanted to talk to Adrianna about. Which made him an asshole. It wasn’t his friend’s fault Cooper had a fucked-up dream about him, and started noticing him in ways he shouldn’t. “All healed up.”

Picking up his beer, he drank the whole thing and then signaled for the bartender to bring another one. “You ready for more?” he asked, but the glass in Adrianna’s hand was still half full. She held it up to show him.

“I’m good. So, he’s new in town, right? How’d you guys end up friends so fast?”

Cooper fought his groan. She was only being friendly and making conversation, but the point in tonight was to get his mind off Noah, not to keep thinking about him.

It was a fluke. A weird night. I’m not attracted to Noah.

“He and I were friends as kids. He up and disappeared while I was away with my aunt one weekend, and I never heard from him again. Not till he came back last month. Been seventeen years.” Copyright 2016 - 2024