The show went on and up next was the pair ramp walk. Sagar manager came running to Kabir and whispered in his ears “The actress who was paired up with Sagar had some medical emergency so she left. What shall we do now?”

Kabir was confused and shocked hearing it. He replied back. “Does Sagar knew about this?” and Sagar manager replied him, “Yes, He asked me to inform you as you can do some alternate arrangements.”

Meghna and Siddarth was sitting next with him. Siddarth and Kabir was having whisky and Meghna preferred orange juice. They saw Kabir reaction and asked, “Is there a problem?”

Kabir explained the situation to Meghna and Siddarth. Meghna replied him back,” Kabir, I have the list of people and let me check which actress hasn’t paired up and available. Whoever is available we can pair them with him.” Kabir nodded and offered her that he will also help her. They both checked the list and wasn’t able to find anyone who isn’t paired up.

Instantly Kabir got an idea and asked the manager bring Sagar to back stage. He took Meghna there and asked her, “Meghna at this situation we have only one solution and I want your help, Can you help me, please?”

“Of course, Kabir. Tell me what I should do.” Copyright 2016 - 2025