Sagar finished off his shooting, reached home and freshened up. He dressed himself up in a Green casual round neck t-shirt and Khaki cargo pants. He didn’t bother to gel his hair as he wanted them to have a messy look. So just combed roughly and took his car keys from his table and started towards the venue.

Before he could reach,the person has already arrived and was waiting for him in reception. He initially thought it would be Meghna whom he was meeting but to his surprise she had send her colleague. They had brought a tailor and portfolio along with them. He thought to himself, “No wonder!” He met them and discussed with them. He went through the portfolio and chose 3 to 4 designs which was liked by him. He even enquired about the designer and to his surprise all the designs that he chose was done by Meghna. He smiled and stood up and did whatever the tailor asked him too to take his measurements. Once done he eaded inside his office and checked all his mails and esponded back to them and when he saw the time itwas already half past 10. So he decided to ramp up his work and go back and sleep as he has an early morning shoot tomorrow.

On the way back he found a car struck in the middle of road and many guys where surrounding it. Sagar parked his car on the corner and covered his face with a handkerchief and wore his sunglasses. He walked towards the car and while walking he made sure to see the number plate. The car was black in color and it was Ford Figo. He reached towards the driver seat and saw Meghna sitting there. He knocked the window. She jerked and turned her head to see him. As he has masked himself up she was not able to recognize him. She was afraid to lower her glasses as all men surrounded her car. Copyright 2016 - 2025