Sagar took Meghna for shopping to get her engagement dress. Meghna informed him that she will go and look for maxi. He nodded at her and asked her to get whatever she likes. Meanwhile he decided to surprise her so he went around and looked for a saree. He saw a peacock color double shaded kancheevaram silk saree. He liked it and imagined her in that saree. He smiled to himself and asked them to pack it and went to car and placed it so that he could give her later.

Meghna searched for him and saw that he was in gents section looking at suits. She went to him and asked him to help her out. He nodded his head and went with her.

“Sagar, I have selected these 3. Help me to choose anyone among them as I am literally confused.”

“Meghna. Do you like all three of them?”


“Then why don’t you take all of them?”

“What? Are you mad? I am going to wear only one so what is the need to buy all 3. I don’t want to waste money unnecessarily. Just tell me which you like the most among these.”

He smiled at her and came closer to her and spoke, “I like something which expose you well.”

“Stop flirting now and suggest something.” Copyright 2016 - 2025