"No. Not a chance. I love it!"

Once dinner was over and the kitchen cleared, Melanie gathered up her things and went over to scratch Mr. Coffee's ears one more time. Russ grabbed his jacket and they headed for his truck. Before driving away, he turned to her and asked, "Are you really okay with this, Melanie? I don't want to impose on you, and that was never my intention."

"I'm fine with it - in fact, more than fine. Mr. Coffee will help keep me fit as well. And I'll get some time away from my - what was it? Oh, yeah - very tiny, very cute, very feminine apartment. Believe me, if I didn't want to do this, you'd know it."

"Good. Let's get you home."

Before leaving her at her door, Russ handed her a set of keys to his house, told her the security system would be in place in about three weeks time, to keep the doors and windows locked at night, and if she needed anything in the way of food, to keep the bills and he'd reimburse her.

Thinking about it later, after he had gone, she decided it sounded very much like a job, but one she was looking forward to.

When Russ came home on Thursday evening, she had planned her move carefully, but with many moments of indecision, until finally she overcame her anxiety and decided to take Susan's advice. Dinner was in the oven, the table was set and the wine was breathing. She'd had a great time with Mr. Coffee, so she was ready for Russ.

"Hi Honey, I'm home!" Russ dropped his briefcase and headed down the hall.

"Doesn't the little woman get a kiss hello?" Melanie was blushing, her heart was pounding, but she stood her ground.

Russ stopped dead in his tracks. He was completely blind-sided, but knew he had to react, and he had to keep it light. If he ever lingered over a kiss, he wouldn't be able to stop.

"Taking you for granted already, huh?' Grabbing her, he lifted her off the ground, swung her in circle, and then planted a quick kiss on her lips. Stepping back, he asked, "So what's for dinner?"

"Wouldn't you like to know! Now go get cleaned up." Melanie just wanted him gone so she could recover her composure. Some poor excuse for a kiss that was! She'd have to tell Susan her strategy sucked - big time.

By the time Russ came back to the kitchen, she was once more composed, as was he. They had a quiet dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, and Melanie said her goodbyes and left. She had enjoyed her evening, playing house, but the lack of a real honest-to-goodness husband left the picture really flat. She knew by now that she was truly in love with him and being around him was becoming torture.

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