"So where's your lot?"

"Out of town a few miles, in the woods, with a small trout lake, fed by a stream."

"Sounds awesome!"

"It is. I was really lucky to find it. Living in town, even a small one, doesn't do it for me. I like the forest and the solitude - also the fresh fish for dinner now and then. I will be really happy when I can move out of town."

Looking up at her, he asked, "Do you fish?"

"Never have. I've been a townie most of my life. My only exposure to the great outdoors was a summer at youth camp when I was a kid."

"Want me to teach you?"

"Does this involve touching worms?"

"Only way to catch a trout."

"And how do you explain to the worm that you are going to impale him on a barbed hook and that he will probably wind up in a fish's belly?"

"Are you trying to put me off fishing?"

Just then their plates arrived, and silence ensued as they ate their meals.

She just couldn't help it. She had to ask, "Do you think this salmon regretted grabbing a worm?"

"Cut it out, Melanie. You really need some attitude adjustments." He wasn't quite smiling, so she decided it was time to shut up and leave him alone.

Dinner was finished in relative peace, both declined dessert, he paid the tab, and they left the restaurant. As she stood by her car, he said, "See you next week."

Fishing a business card from her purse, she handed it to him. "Here's my office number and extension. You know, there's something about you that makes me want to aggravate you. I'll have to study the matter. See you next week."

"Study hard. I'd like to know the answer too. On that note, I'm off. Bye, Melanie." With that parting comment, he slid into his truck and was gone, wondering why she was angry and why she was taking it out on him, or any other man, for that matter.

Driving away, she wondered why she was needling him. He seemed like a really nice guy. Suddenly she realized it probably had more to do with her recent break-up. She'd been feeling like all men were scum for some time now, and it wasn't fair to take it out on him.

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