One afternoon when her mother was out with friends, Melanie was looking through their CD collection. The title 'Funny Face' jumped out at her, and she discovered that it was written and performed by Donna Fargo, and was top of the charts in 1972. Being curious, she put it in the player, selected the right track, and sat back to listen. When the first words sounded, she turned red and put her hands over her face, as she remembered with great clarity what Russ had said about it - 'It's a song about me and you."

'Funny Face, I love you, Funny Face, I need you,'

Could Susan be right? Does he really love me? Am I ready for this? Her heart was pounding and her stomach was in knots. Her one thought was that she had a couple of days left before she had to face him again.

By the time Russ met her at the airport, again with a big hug, she was relatively composed, but now very curious about what was going to take place the next day when he 'kidnapped' her.

While they drove back to her apartment, he asked her how her parents were, what she'd done all week, and generally kept her talking about herself. When he dropped her off, he just said, "Be ready at eight. I'll pick you up - oh, and be prepared for a great day."

Melanie was so excited and curious, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to sleep, so she had a glass of wine before bed, and was surprised when the alarm went off in the morning, to find that she had been out for a solid eight hours.

What should I wear? He didn't give me even a hint about his plans. She finally settled on a pair of white jeans and a gold v-neck T-shirt. She had time to spare, so she put her hair in a French braid, and was ready and waiting when the doorbell rang, right at eight o'clock.

"Good morning, Sunshine. Sleep well?" Russ was also wearing jeans with a golf shirt, so she relaxed about the appropriateness of her outfit.

"With the help of a glass of wine, like a baby. So, what's the big surprise?"

"Patience is a virtue, my dear, and the reward of patience is patience. But let's go before you expire from curiosity." Copyright 2016 - 2024