"So what should I do, Big Sister Matchmaker?"

"You'll have to give him some clues that you really are over Rick, and that you are interested in him as more than a friend."

"But I'm not very good at putting myself out there."

"Well, let's see. A good start would be to touch him casually - on the arm or the shoulder. Give him a hug when he does something nice for you. Just start making physical contact. Call him some evening just to say goodnight. Think about what you like and transfer to him. Think you can do that?"

"You've given me a lot to think about."

"One more thing - if all else fails, just say, "Russ, are you ever going to kiss me?"

"Susan! I couldn't do that!"

"Well, I did, with Brian. And it worked really well." Susan was grinning from ear to ear.

"You didn't! I'm telling Mom!" And they both burst out laughing, causing other diners to smile at them.

"Back to you. Have you started planning your nursery yet? Do you want a boy, or a girl?"

"We don't care, as long as it's healthy. And, yes, I've been thinking about the nursery. Wanna help me with it, Auntie?"

"I'd love to, Sue. I'm flying down on Sunday to visit Mom and Dad, but just until Friday. As they say, houseguests are like dirty socks - after three days they start to stink."

"Oh, Mel, that's disgusting! They'll be really happy to see you. Talking by Skype just isn't the same as being there in the flesh. Does Russ know you're leaving?"

"Not yet. He's really busy with his house. Said he should be able to move in next week. I'll call him tonight and tell him."

Back at work, Melanie did her best to concentrate on work, but her conversation with Susan had really made her think, about many things. She felt ready to be kissed by Russ and to be closer to him, but she didn't know for sure if what Susan said about his feelings could be true.

Acting on impulse later that evening, she picked up the phone and called him at home.

He picked up on the first ring. "Hello?"

"Hi Russ. It's me, Melanie."

"I recognized your voice. It's good to hear from you. What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know I'm flying to the coast on Sunday to visit my parents. I'll be back Friday night."

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