"Can we sit out a couple, Russ? I need a break."

"Would you like a glass of wine?"

"No thanks. Definitely not. Just a Sprite, if they have it."

When Brian and Susan got up to dance, Melanie took the opportunity to ask Russ what he had been about to tell her when Brian cut in on the dance floor.

"What? Oh, that. I, um, was just going to thank you for coming with me tonight. It would have been boring to come here alone".

"By the way the ladies have been eyeing you, you wouldn't have been alone for long."

"You jealous?" Russ grinned at her, but he was really interested in her answer.

Melanie found herself blushing as she stammered out a denial. "Of course I'm not jealous. You're a free agent, Russ."

"Then why are you blushing?" His grin widened.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Here we go again! Back to grade one. Don't you think it's time we both grew up?" Melanie grinned back at him.

"On that note, I think they are playing our song. Let's dance."

"I don't recognize it. What is it?"

"'Funny Face' - right up your alley."

She punched him lightly on the shoulder as they made their way onto the floor. It was the first time she had touched him of her own volition and it gave him hope that her guard was slipping.

This time Russ held her closer on the dance floor, bringing their clasped hands in against his chest. "If I told you that you are the most beautiful woman in the room tonight, am I in danger of a reprisal?"

"Don't, Russ. You'll make me blush again. Besides, you're probably just fishing for a compliment, and there's no way I'm going to tell you that you are easily the best-looking, sexiest male specimen here tonight."

"I think you just did, Mel. Gee, thanks! By the way, are you familiar with this song?"

"Nope. It's a new one to me."

"It's one of my favorites, sort of a song about you and me. You should check it out sometime. Oh, Mel, I so enjoy your company. Now let's dance."

As the song ended, they walked off the floor, both ready to call it a night. They found Susan and Brian and said their goodnights, then left. At her door, Russ took her face in his hands and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight, Princess."

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