"We really are on the same wavelength. I've ordered all of the cupboards, cabinets, dining table and chairs, coffee and end tables, bedroom suites, and office furniture to be custom made of solid oak. I want furniture that will last through future generations."

"Wow! That doesn't come cheap!"

"No, but I think the investment is well worth it. I haven't decided on flooring yet."

"What about color schemes?"

"That's where I draw a blank. I think I'll hire an interior decorator, tell her our ideas, and see what she comes up with." Russ realized as soon as he spoke, that he had said 'our' instead of 'my', but Melanie didn't pick up on it, so maybe she didn't notice. He was really happy to hear that her tastes were quite similar to his, because he had every intention that it would be their home, hopefully not too far into the future. The fact that she had done her 'grumbling' to Rick, with a positive outcome, gave him hope that she would soon be ready for more than just his friendship.

"Now that we have that settled, let's eat." Russ rose and held the patio door open for her.

After dinner was over, Russ insisted on helping with the dishes. She washed and he dried.

"By the way, Russ, I can now give you an informed decision. I really like the new look. More hair gives you more personality."

"That's a really weird thing to say! What does it mean anyway?"

"Well, Pal, think of it like this: set a no-name brand package beside a top-of-the-line product and compare them." Melanie grinned at him.

"So now I'm a product?"

"And a very fine one, if I do say so."

"All because of some extra hair on my head?"

"You really have no idea the change it makes, do you?"

"Guess I'll have to take your word for it. I'm not really big on staring at myself in the mirror and analyzing my appearance." He grinned back at her. "Now about your other two criticisms - I can't do anything about my lack of symmetrical dimples nor the so-called aggressive and determined chin, so I guess you're stuck with what you see."

"Works for me." Melanie glanced at her watch and he caught her in the act.

"Guess it's time to wrap things up, much as I'm enjoying myself. Before I go, I have a question for you, but I'm a bit hesitant to ask it."

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