"This is my kind of meal - not too heavy, but really tasty. By the way, there's something a bit fishy about the meals we've been having." Raising an eyebrow, she grinned at him.

"Really funny, Melanie." Amused, he grinned back at her.

Relaxing after the meal with coffee and a plate of cheese and fruit, Melanie felt comfortable and happy with Russ. He was peaceful and easy to be with. If she felt like sitting quietly, he was content to do likewise. If she was chattering about inconsequentials, he willingly participated. It felt really good to be with a man who asked for nothing but friendship.

"I could sit here forever, Russ, but the dew is starting to fall, so I'd better make a move. I'll help you clean up first, though."

"No need. I'll run you home and then I'm coming back here until Monday morning. The dishes can wait. I'll just put the cheese and fruit in the fridge first."

He returned shortly and they made the trip back to town in companionable silence.

"Next meal is on me, Russ. Home cooked, whenever it suits you. I'll keep the menu a surprise, but no fish."

"That's an offer I won't refuse. I'm going to be out of town next week visiting a couple of sites, but I'll call you when I get back and we can set something up." He walked her to the door, said, "I really enjoyed today. Goodnight, Melanie." and with that, he was gone.

That answers that question. No kiss goodnight. She had been wondering about it on the drive home and wasn't sure how she felt. Deciding it was a pleasant change, she smiled to herself.

During the next few days Melanie managed to keep her focus on work, at work. During breaks and at home was another matter. She realized that she had been thinking less frequently about Rick and his betrayal. She was no longer having flashbacks to that horrible moment when she'd found out he was cheating on her, and how hurt, angry and disillusioned she had been. If she was honest with herself, the anger had far exceeded the hurt and that fact gave her pause and made her question the depth of feeling she had had for him. How much of what she felt was loss of a great love and how much was embarrassment at being taken in by a player? Come to think of it, she had had some instances of a small orange caution light flashing in her gut, but by then they were engaged, so she just pushed it away and ignored it.

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