Aubrey chuckled. “Yeah. I know.” She came into the kitchen and sat on a stool on the other side of the island.

“Let me ask you something. This promise I stupidly made. It only includes touching. I can say whatever I want, right?”

She sipped her coffee. “I’m afraid to say yes. But…yes. I suppose words aren’t off limits.”

“Good. Because I gotta tell you. Your tits saluting me are better than seeing the sunrise in the morning.”

She shook her head. “You have a wicked tongue, Mr. Bateman.”

“Oh, if only I could show you, Mrs. Bloom Bateman.”

“Mrs. Bloom Bateman, huh?”

“Well, you are my wife. I figured you’d want to keep your name, too. Seeing as how you’re a working woman and all.”

“You make me sound like a hooker.”

“Prostitute…lawyer.” I grinned. “Same thing.”

“Very nice. And to think…I was going to give up the Bloom name and take my husband’s. Now I’m not so sure.”

“Oh yeah? I would have taken you for a hyphenator.”

She slid the bag on the counter over to her and dug inside. “Nah. Not me. I’m old school. I plan to give everything to my husband.”

“I’m glad to hear that Mrs. Bateman. Because I plan to take everything. On a daily basis.”

I wanted to show her the area. Now that her firm was closing up, maybe we would live in Hermosa Beach. Being near the water was important to me. Although, I’d live in the desert if it meant getting to be with Aubrey. After lunch, we walked down to the boardwalk. It was a gorgeous day, and she didn’t pull away when I took her hand in mine.

“How about a swim?” I was glad I told her to put on a suit when we left this morning. It was hot as hell.


We walked down to the water’s edge, and I pulled my shirt off. Following my lead, she slipped out of hers, and my eyes almost bulged from my head. Fuck. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. She had on a little red string bikini top, and her fantastic tits looked like they longed to spill out. When she shimmied out of her shorts, I was blatantly leering at her and didn’t give a damn. If I couldn’t touch, I most certainly was going to get my visual fill. “I almost feel bad for you.”

“Me? Why?”

“Because when you finally let me have you.” I raked my eyes up and down her luscious body. “I’m going to be like a savage making up for lost time.”

I needed to cool off, and Aubrey was coming with me. Surprising her, I bent and lifted, tossing her over my shoulder fireman style before running for the water. She screamed and kicked the entire time, but I could tell from her tone that she was smiling. I smacked her ass hard before launching us both into the water.

Together we swam and walked along the beach until the sun set. I never wanted the day to end.

“We should get back,” she said. “Pixy probably needs to go out.”

“Kids. They’re always ruining a good time,” I joked.

On the walk back, our conversation took a serious turn. “Do you want kids?”

I answered honestly, “I never really thought about it. Until I met you. But now. I want nothing more than for you to bear my spawn.”

She laughed. “How many do you want?”

“Six,” I answered quickly.

“Six?” She stopped in her tracks.

“I have no idea why. But the thought of you pregnant does something to me. I’m getting turned on now just thinking about it.”

“You really need help. I think you might be a sex addict.”

“I’d be the first sex addict that hasn’t gotten laid in a few years.”

She looked at me with sincerity. “Sorry. That must be hard.”

“When I look at you in that bathing suit. It sure is.”

“Do you…you know.”


“You know.”

“I don’t.” I certainly did.

“You know. Take care of yourself.”

“You mean like shower and get haircuts. Yes. I take care of myself. I even exercise.”

She laughed. “You want me to say it, don’t you?”

“You’d totally make my day, Princess.”

We arrived on my block. I was holding her left hand, but she turned and walked backwards, taking both of mine into hers. She cocked her head to the side when she spoke. “Do you masturbate, Chance?”

Fuck yeah. I loved hearing her even say the word. “I do. Frequently, in fact, lately. All I have to do is smell you, and my cock strains. I’d be walking around with a nasty case of blue balls if I didn’t.”

“I’m sorry.”

I pulled her closer to me. “You wanna know something else?”

She bit her lip, but nodded.

“It will all be worth it when I’m back inside of you, Princess.”

We went into the house, and I offered Aubrey the shower first. After our day on the beach, I had sand in places there shouldn’t be. While she was in the shower, I cranked up the music, put two Coronas in the freezer to chill, and might have danced with a goat.

I heard the faint sound of Aubrey’s voice in between verses. “Chance?”

The full bath was in the master bedroom. I answered through the cracked door, “Everything okay?”

“I forgot to grab a towel. Are there any in here?”

The shower water was still running. “No. They’re in the closet out here. I’ll grab you one.”

I picked the fluffiest, girliest looking towel I could find. Without thinking, I opened the door. The shower had glass sliders. They were foggy with steam, but I could still see her sexy silhouette. Her back was facing me, giving me a fan-fucking-tastic view of her succulent ass. I couldn’t move. My restraint was rapidly slipping through my fingers.

When she turned around and caught me staring, she didn’t make an effort to cover up. Instead, she reached up and began to wash her breasts.

Fucking incredible.

I took a step toward the shower but stopped myself from going further. With the door behind me open and the cool air blowing in, the fog was getting heavier on the shower doors.

“Princess—” The word came out a cross between a groan and a plea. “I vowed not to touch you.”

I could barely hear her whispered words over the rain of the shower. “I know. I thought maybe…you’d like it if…I…” She paused. My girl’s walls were crumbling. She was pushing the boundaries. And it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen in my life. She said the last sentence louder and with more conviction. “I thought maybe you’d like to watch me touch myself.”

There she is. My beautiful, sweet dirty girl.

“Oh baby. I could go blind after watching you and never feel like I’d missed seeing anything. Will you let me help? I’ll tell you what I want you to do to yourself, and you can do it for me. That way we’ll be doing it together. Is that okay?”

She nodded.

“That’s good, baby. So fucking good. Would you like it if I stroked myself while I watched you?”


I dropped my shorts and stood before her. Even if I wasn’t already fully erect, I would have been after seeing the way she was looking at me. Her eyes were glued to my cock. I watched them follow my hand as I leisurely stroked up and down. Copyright 2016 - 2024