“Please, Sir,” she said. “I’ll do anything. Just don’t send me back to the king.”

   He cocked an eyebrow. “What happens if I send you back to the king?”

   “He’ll see me as a traitor. I’ll be killed.”

   “Why would you be a traitor?” Cole began to run his finger over her cotton covered nipple.

   She sucked in a breath. “Because I didn’t follow his instructions.”

   “Do you have trouble following instructions?” His hand dipped lower, danced across her belly.

   “Sometimes, my lord.”

   “What instructions were you given by the king that you didn’t follow?”

   “I’m supposed to gather information about you and report back to him.”

   “And how did you think to go about doing that?” His fingers brushed her upper thigh.

   “There are rumors about you in . . . bed.”

   “Ah, now we are getting somewhere. What sort of rumors?”

   “They say you have peculiar tastes.”

   “My lord,” Julie interrupted, “must we sit and listen to these lies about you and your character?”

   “I assure you, Ms. Masterson,” Cole said, “they are not lies.”

   Julie gave a dramatic gasp.

   “Covington?” Cole asked Daniel. “Kindly take Ms. Masterson over your knee and show her what happens when people interrupt me.”

   Daniel crooked a finger at a surprised Julie.

   “Now,” Cole said, turning his attention back to Sasha. “The jewelry. Where is it?”

   “The king is going to take it. I hid it.”

   “And why should I believe you? How do I know you didn’t stash it away to use it as a trap?”

   “Can I do something to prove it to you?”

   “What did you have in mind?” he asked, pressing his erection against her as his finger slid along the wetness between her legs.

   “Anything. I’ll do anything.”

   “Anything?” He took a step back, and she looked around the room.

   Daniel was sitting in a chair and had Julie over his lap and was working on getting her underwear down. She was doing her part to stay in role, twisting and turning and trying to get away. Abby was sitting on Nathaniel’s lap, but she couldn’t see where his hands were.

   “Show me what you heard about my tastes. What I like my bed partners to do,” Cole said.

   Sasha dropped to her knees and unbuttoned his fly as quickly as she could. Above her, Cole hissed in pleasure as she freed his cock. He fisted her hair.

   “That’s it. Now take it in your mouth like the naughty servant you are.” He groaned as she did just that, taking him deep and sucking the way she knew he liked it. “Fuck, yes.”

   He started working his hips, thrusting in and out of her mouth. Being with him when he let go of some of his firmly held control always turned her on. She squirmed, trying to find her own relief.

   “Getting off on having my cock in your mouth?” he asked, taking a firmer grasp on her hair. “You better not come. You’ll wait for me to give you permission or else I’ll spank your ass so hard, you’ll be begging to go back to the king.”

   She made herself keep still and focused on him. He wasn’t trying too hard to hold his release back. It wasn’t long until he pushed into her and held her head in place while he climaxed.

   Sasha quickly pulled his pants back up and set them to rights the best she could.

   “I think that’s all I can take of role play for one night,” Cole said. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take this little hideaway servant and inflict my peculiar tastes upon her.”

   From what she could tell, the other couples felt the same way. Daniel had finished spanking Julie, but she was still wiggling in his lap. Abby was sitting as still as a statue, though it sounded like she was muttering something in German.

   “But, my lord,” Sasha said, as Cole lifted her into his arms,. “I never told you where the jewels were.”

   “That’s okay,” he said, not even breaking stride. “I have something far more valuable.”



Chapter Eight

   “I don’t get it.” Sasha looked in the mirror and pulled at the hem of the dress Cole had laid out for her to wear today. “I thought I was going to be a servant this week.”

   He came up behind and stilled her hands. “Do I not have the right and authority to change my mind?”

   His stare was piercing and she couldn’t look away. “You just rarely do, Sir.” To be honest, she really couldn’t think of any time he’d changed his mind, but she thought it best to err on the side of caution.

   “That doesn’t mean I can’t. The fact of the matter is, we need six people to play croquet and Fritz had to leave.”

   Not to mention, she thought, but didn’t say, with the other four people being couples, Fritz and Cole would look odd. Of course, she didn’t suppose either man cared very much what other people thought.

   And she also supposed it didn’t matter that she’d never played croquet before because she was fairly certain Cole was the only one in the group who had. He’d also provided croquet outfits for everyone. The women were all wearing skirts, while the men wore what looked like golf outfits.

   Cole lowered his lips to her neck. “We’ll pretend that Lord Johnson is completely taken by his servant and since he can’t get enough of her, he asked her to join him for an afternoon of croquet.”

   “If he really wanted to make an impression, he’d know croquet wasn’t the way to her heart.”

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