Kay flushed. “It’s just, when he came to get me. I was a little shaky and he picked me up. Like it was nothing.”

“Eli’s a take-charge kind of guy,” Penny pointed out. “He reminds me of Matt in that way. He doesn’t wait for you to ask for help, he just figures out what you need and does it.”

“Yeah, but it’s more than that. You guys are twigs, so a guy picking you up is no big deal. But I’m a big girl. Most guys don’t even attempt it. I’d be worried they’d either drop me or end up with a hernia. But he could actually lift me. Not that I should be surprised. He looks like he could lift me.”

Raina snorted. “He looks like he could lift a car.”

All four women sighed appreciatively. Kay remembered how the hard muscles under his shirt had felt when she’d been cuddled in his arms. Why had she told him to put her down? She should have enjoyed the experience while it lasted.

“You know, Kay, I really think you should be one of my birthing partners. Raina will be there of course but it makes sense to have another mother there.” Ridley whistled innocently as she whisked the pancake batter.

“That’s good,” Penny interjected. “It’ll give her an excuse to be at the hospital with Eli.”

“Oh, I couldn’t. I’m not family,” Kay mumbled.

Ridley put down the carton of milk she was holding. “We’re all connected in some way to that gorgeous, loud, wonderful family in there. So that makes us a family of sorts, too. And it’s the best one I’ve ever had.” Her voice wavered a little at the end.

Raina plunked her coffee cup down on the table suddenly and swiped under her eyes. “Ri, you have to stop with the waterworks. Ugh, I hate this having feelings crap. I can’t wait until I go back to my usual self. Then I can be a bitch unrepentantly.”

Ridley watched her sister with a knowing smile. “I’m afraid it’s permanent, sister dear.”

*   *   *   *   *

AFTER CHECKING ON Hope, Kay scrambled the eggs without any further incident. Ridley made pancakes and the family drifted in slowly, everyone coming in and grabbing a plate whenever they woke up. Julia and Mark came in first and Ridley made them both sit at the table so she could bring them their food.

When Julia tried to get up to help, Ridley sent her a stern look. “It’s our turn to take care of you for a change.”

Kay checked on Hope again and found the baby sitting up and having an animated babble conversation with herself. When she saw Kaylee, she got to her feet.

“Mama. Hi, my Mama.” Hope danced on her toes happily and stretched her arms up toward Kaylee.

“Merry Christmas, baby girl.” Kay snuggled her daughter closer. Hope wouldn’t get her gifts until later since they were at the apartment, but she’d be getting something even better today. Breakfast with the Alexanders and then dinner with her grandparents. When she’d looked out the window earlier the roads hadn’t been cleared yet, but she was sure they would be before long. Eli could drive her to her parents’ house later so they’d still get to see them.

Hope would be surrounded by people who cherished her all day long. Kay couldn’t think of a better way to spend the holiday.

She carried Hope to the bed and went through their usual morning ritual. After the baby was clean and dressed in the extra outfit Kay always kept in the diaper bag, they walked back to the kitchen.

“There’s my other angel.” Julia approached and this time Kay wasn’t at all surprised when she suddenly found herself with empty arms. Hope didn’t make a sound, just stuffed her fist in her mouth and allowed Julia to walk off with her.

Eli came in next and Kay stiffened. The other girls watched them closely. Kay felt like all the things they’d talked about that morning must be echoing around the kitchen and he’d somehow hear them.

“Morning. Did you sleep all right?” he grumbled.

She nodded. “Great. Hope did, too. Now she’s getting spoiled some more.”

He looked over to where his mom was lifting Hope in the air and blowing gentle kisses against her belly. “You’ve made my mom really happy, you know that?”

“She’s made us really happy, too.”

They ate breakfast together and then the family all gathered around the tree again. Kay watched the children shrieking as they tore wrapping paper off their gifts and tried to play with everything simultaneously. Raina plopped Jada down on the floor next to Hope. The two babies regarded each other with curious eyes before breaking into their excited baby chatter.

Still a little hesitant to get in the middle of their family time, Kay leaned against the doorframe leading to the family room and watched the chaos. It was like something from a movie, the extremely photogenic family all gathered around the huge eight-foot tree that twinkled with a multitude of lights.

Eli stood next to her and watched the scene with amused eyes. Then he leaned closer to her so she could hear him over the din. “I’m going to drive you to your parents later today. I’m sure they won’t appreciate us keeping you all to ourselves on Christmas.”

“They’ll be grateful to you. Just like I am. I’m so glad you were there yesterday.”

Kay wanted to say so much more. Not just to thank him for helping her, but for being the kind of person she knew she could count on. There were fewer and fewer of those people in her life lately.

Eli shrugged off her thanks. “I’m glad I could help. Actually, I’ve decided to move back home after the New Year, so I’ll be around if you get the sudden urge to fall into another ditch or something.”

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