A whole year had gone by, in which I did, or tried to do, various things

that have no connection with this story, when once more I found

myself in Zululand--at Umbezi's kraal indeed. Hither I had trekked in

fulfilment of a certain bargain, already alluded to, that was concerned

with ivory and guns, which I had made with the old fellow, or, rather,

with Masapo, his son-in-law, whom he represented in this matter. Into

the exact circumstances of that bargain I do not enter, since at the

moment I cannot recall whether I ever obtained the necessary permit

to import those guns into Zululand, although now that I am older I

earnestly hope that I did so, since it is wrong to sell weapons to

natives that may be put to all sorts of unforeseen uses.

At any rate, there I was, sitting alone with the Headman in his hut

discussing a dram of "squareface" that I had given to him, for the

"trade" was finished to our mutual satisfaction, and Scowl, my body

servant, with the hunters, had just carried off the ivory--a fine lot of

tusks--to my wagons.

"Well, Umbezi," I said, "and how has it fared with you since we parted a

year ago? Have you seen anything of Saduko, who, you may remember, left

you in some wrath?"

"Thanks be to my Spirit, I have seen nothing of that wild man,

Macumazahn," answered Umbezi, shaking his fat old head in a fashion

which showed great anxiety. "Yet I have heard of him, for he sent me a

message the other day to tell me that he had not forgotten what he owed


"Did he mean the sticks with which he promised to bray you like a green

hide?" I inquired innocently.

"I think so, Macumazahn--I think so, for certainly he owes me nothing

else. And the worst of it is that, there at Panda's kraal, he has grown

like a pumpkin on a dung heap--great, great!"

"And therefore is now one who can pay any debt that he owes, Umbezi," I

said, taking a pull at the "squareface" and looking at him over the top

of the pannikin.

"Doubtless he can, Macumazahn, and, between you and me, that is the real

reason why I--or rather Masapo--was so anxious to get those guns. They

were not for hunting, as he told you by the messenger, or for war, but

to protect us against Saduko, in case he should attack. Well, now I hope

we shall be able to hold our own."

"You and Masapo must teach your people to use them first, Umbezi. But

I expect Saduko has forgotten all about both of you now that he is the

husband of a princess of the royal blood. Tell me, how goes it with


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