"How many men are there in the town?" I asked.

"About seven hundred who carry spears," they answered, "together with

others in outlying kraals. Moreover, watchmen are always set at the

gateways in the walls."

"And where are the cattle?" I asked again.

"Here, in the valley beneath, Macumazahn," answered the spokesman. "If

you listen you will hear them lowing. Fifty men, not less, watch them at

night--two thousand head of them, or more."

"Then it would not be difficult to get round these cattle and drive them

off, leaving Bangu to breed up a new herd?"

"It might not be difficult," interrupted Saduko, "but I came here to

kill Bangu, as well as to seize his cattle, since with him I have a

blood feud."

"Very good," I answered; "but that mountain cannot be stormed with three

hundred men, fortified as it is with walls and schanzes. Our band would

be destroyed before ever we came to the kraal, since, owing to the

sentries who are set everywhere, it would be impossible to surprise the

place. Also you have forgotten the dogs, Saduko. Moreover, even if it

were possible, I will have nothing to do with the massacre of women and

children, which must happen in an assault. Now, listen to me, O Saduko.

I say let us leave the kraal of Bangu alone, and this coming night send

fifty of our men, under the leadership of the guides, down to yonder

bush, where they will lie hid. Then, after moonrise, when all are

asleep, these fifty must rush the cattle kraal, killing any who may

oppose them, should they be seen, and driving the herd out through

yonder great pass by which we have entered the land. Bangu and his

people, thinking that those who have taken the cattle are but common

thieves of some wild tribe, will gather and follow the beasts to

recapture them. But we, with the rest of the Amangwane, can set an

ambush in the narrowest part of the pass among the rocks, where the

grass is high and the euphorbia trees grow thick, and there, when they

have passed the Nek, which I and my hunters will hold with our guns, we

will give them battle. What say you?"

Now, Saduko answered that he would rather attack the kraal, which he

wished to burn. But the old Amangwane, Tshoza, brother of the dead

Matiwane, said: "No, Macumazahn, Watcher-by-Night, is wise. Why should we waste our

strength on stone walls, of which none know the number or can find the

gates in the darkness, and thereby leave our skulls to be set up as

ornaments on the fences of the accursed Amakoba? Let us draw the Amakoba

out into the pass of the mountains, where they have no walls to protect

them, and there fall on them when they are bewildered and settle

the matter with them man to man. As for the women and children, with

Macumazahn I say let them go; afterwards, perhaps, they will become

our women and children."

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