"Why not kill him yourself, Masapo," asked the agitated Umbezi, "or

bid your headmen kill him? Who am I that I should take precedence of

so great a chief in a matter of the spear?" Then he turned towards me,

saying: "Oh, Macumazahn the crafty, if I have dealt well by you, come

here and give me your counsel."

"I come, Eater-up-of-Elephants," I answered, and I did.

"What shall I do--what shall I do?" went on Umbezi, brushing the

perspiration off his brow with one hand, while he wrung the other in his

agitation. "There stands a friend of mine"--he pointed to the infuriated

Masapo--"who wishes me to kill another friend of mine," and he jerked

his thumb towards the kraal gate. "If I refuse I offend one friend,

and if I consent I bring blood upon my hands which will call for blood,

since, although Saduko is poor, without doubt he has those who love


"Yes," I answered, "and perhaps you will bring blood upon other parts of

yourself besides your hands, since Saduko is not one to sit still like a

sheep while his throat is cut. Also did he not say that he is not quite

alone? Umbezi, if you will take my advice, you will leave Masapo to do

his own killing."

"It is good; it is wise!" exclaimed Umbezi. "Masapo," he called to that

warrior, "if you wish to fight, pray do not think of me. I see nothing,

I hear nothing, and I promise proper burial to any who fall. Only you

had best be swift, for Saduko is walking away all this time. Come, you

and your people have spears, and the gate stands open."

"Am I to go without my meat in order to knock that hyena on the head?"

asked Masapo in a brave voice. "No, he can wait my leisure. Sit still,

my people. I tell you, sit still. Tell him, you Macumazahn, that I am

coming for him presently, and be warned to keep yourself away from him,

lest you should tumble into his hole."

"I will tell him," I answered, "though I know not who made me your

messenger. But listen to me, you Speaker of big words and Doer of

small deeds, if you dare to lift a finger against me I will teach you

something about holes, for there shall be one or more through that great

carcass of yours."

Then, walking up to him, I looked him in the face, and at the same time

tapped the handle of the big double-barrelled pistol I carried.

He shrank back muttering something.

"Oh, don't apologise," I said, "only be more careful in future. And

now I wish you a good dinner, Chief Masapo, and peace upon your kraal,

friend Umbezi."

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