Then we bargained for a while, but the details of that business

transaction of long ago will interest no one. Indeed, I only mention the

matter to show that Masapo was plotting to bring trouble on the ruling

house, whereof Panda was the representative at that time.

When we had concluded our rather nefarious negotiations, which were to

the effect that I was to receive so many cattle in return for so many

guns, if I could deliver them at a certain spot, namely, Umbezi's kraal,

I returned to the circle where Umbezi, his followers and guests were

sitting, purposing to bid him farewell. By now, however, meat had been

served, and as I was hungry, having had little breakfast that morning,

I stayed to eat. When I had finished my meal, and washed it down with a

draught of tshwala (that is, Kafir beer), I rose to go, but just at that

moment who should walk through the gate but Saduko?

"Piff!" said Mameena, who was standing near me, speaking in a voice that

none but I could hear. "When two bucks meet, what happens, Macumazahn?"

"Sometimes they fight and sometimes one runs away. It depends very much

on the doe," I answered in the same low voice, looking at her.

She shrugged her shoulders, folded her arms beneath her breast, nodded

to Saduko as he passed, then leaned gracefully against the fence and

awaited events.

"Greeting, Umbezi," said Saduko in his proud manner. "I see that you

feast. Am I welcome here?"

"Of course you are always welcome, Saduko," replied Umbezi uneasily,

"although, as it happens, I am entertaining a great man." And he looked

towards Masapo.

"I see," said Saduko, eyeing the strangers. "But which of these may be

the great man? I ask that I may salute him."

"You know well enough, umfokazana" (that is, low fellow), exclaimed

Masapo angrily.

"I know that if you were outside this fence, Masapo, I would cram that

word down your throat at the point of my assegai," replied Saduko in a

fierce voice. "Oh, I can guess your business here, Masapo, and you can

guess mine," and he glanced towards Mameena. "Tell me, Umbezi, is this

little chief of the Amansomi your daughter's accepted suitor?"

"Nay, nay, Saduko," said Umbezi; "no one is her accepted suitor. Will

you not sit down and take food with us? Tell us where you have been, and

why you return here thus suddenly, and--uninvited?"

"I return here, O Umbezi, to speak with the white chief, Macumazahn. As

to where I have been, that is my affair, and not yours or Masapo's."

"Now, if I were chief of this kraal," said Masapo, "I would hunt out of

it this hyena with a mangy coat and without a hole who comes to devour

your meat and, perhaps," he added with meaning, "to steal away your

child." Copyright 2016 - 2024