"And did you speak to her father?"

"Yes, I spoke to him, but in an evil moment, for he had but just killed

the cattle to furnish Panda's shields. He answered me very roughly. He

said: 'You see these dead beasts which I and my people must slay for

the king, or fall under his displeasure? Well, bring me five times their

number, and we will talk of your marriage with my daughter, who is a

maid in some request.' "I answered that I understood and would try my best, whereon he became

more gentle, for Umbezi has a kindly heart.

"'My son,' he said, 'I like you well, and since I saw you save

Macumazahn, my friend, from that mad wild beast of a buffalo I like

you better than before. Yet you know my case. I have an old name and

am called the chief of a tribe, and many live on me. But I am poor, and

this daughter of mine is worth much. Such a woman few men have bred.

Well, I must make the best of her. My son-in-law must be one who will

prop up my old age, one to whom, in my need or trouble, I could always

go as to a dry log,[*] to break off some of its bark to make a fire to

comfort me, not one who treads me into the mire as the buffalo did to

Macumazahn. Now I have spoken, and I do not love such talk. Come back

with the cattle, and I will listen to you, but meanwhile understand that

I am not bound to you or to anyone; I shall take what my spirit sends

me, which, if I may judge the future by the past, will not be much. One

word more: Do not linger about this kraal too long, lest it should be

said that you are the accepted suitor of Mameena. Go hence and do a

man's work, and return with a man's reward, or not at all.'"

[*--In Zululand a son-in-law is known as "isigodo so

mkwenyana", the "son-in-law log," for the reason stated in

the text.--EDITOR.] "Well, Saduko, that spear has an edge on it, has it not?" I answered.

"And now, what is your plan?"

"My plan is, Macumazahn," he said, rising from his seat, "to go hence

and gather those who are friendly to me because I am my father's son

and still the chief of the Amangwane, or those who are left of them,

although I have no kraal and no hoof of kine. Then, within a moon, I

hope, I shall return here to find you strong again and once more a man,

and we will start out against Bangu, as I have whispered to you, with

the leave of a High One, who has said that, if I can take any cattle, I

may keep them for my pains."

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