So I rose to go, but as I went some impulse seemed to take him and he

called me back and made me sit down again.

"Macumazahn," he said, "I would add a word. When you were quite a lad

you came into this country with Retief, did you not?"

"Yes," I answered slowly, for this matter of the massacre of Retief is

one of which I have seldom cared to speak, for sundry reasons, although

I have made a record of it in writing.[*] Even my friends Sir Henry

Curtis and Captain Good have heard little of the part I played in that

tragedy. "But what do you know of that business, Zikali?"

[*--Published under the title of "Marie."--EDITOR.] "All that there is to know, I think, Macumazahn, seeing that I was at

the bottom of it, and that Dingaan killed those Boers on my advice--just

as he killed Chaka and Umhlangana."

"You cold-blooded old murderer--" I began, but he interrupted me at


"Why do you throw evil names at me, Macumazahn, as I threw the stone of

your fate at you just now? Why am I a murderer because I brought about

the death of some white men that chanced to be your friends, who had

come here to cheat us black folk of our country?"

"Was it for this reason that you brought about their deaths, Zikali?"

I asked, staring him in the face, for I felt that he was lying to me.

"Not altogether, Macumazahn," he answered, letting his eyes, those

strange eyes that could look at the sun without blinking, fall before

my gaze. "Have I not told you that I hate the House of Senzangakona?

And when Retief and his companions were killed, did not the spilling of

their blood mean war to the end between the Zulus and the White Men? Did

it not mean the death of Dingaan and of thousands of his people, which

is but a beginning of deaths? Now do you understand?"

"I understand that you are a very wicked man," I answered with


"At least you should not say so, Macumazahn," he replied in a new

voice, one with the ring of truth in it.

"Why not?"

"Because I saved your life on that day. You escaped alone of the White

Men, did you not? And you never could understand why, could you?"

"No, I could not, Zikali. I put it down to what you would call 'the


"Well, I will tell you. Those spirits of yours wore my kaross," and

he laughed. "I saw you with the Boers, and saw, too, that you were of

another people--the people of the English. You may have heard at the

time that I was doctoring at the Great Place, although I kept out of the

way and we did not meet, or at least you never knew that we met, for you

were--asleep. Also I pitied your youth, for, although you do not believe

it, I had a little bit of heart left in those days. Also I knew that we

should come together again in the after years, as you see we have done

to-day and shall often do until the end. So I told Dingaan that whoever

died you must be spared, or he would bring up the 'people of George'

[i.e. the English] to avenge you, and your ghost would enter into him

and pour out a curse upon him. He believed me who did not understand

that already so many curses were gathered about his head that one more

or less made no matter. So you see you were spared, Macumazahn, and

afterwards you helped to pour out a curse upon Dingaan without becoming

a ghost, which is the reason why Panda likes you so well to-day, Panda,

the enemy of Dingaan, his brother. You remember the woman who helped

you? Well, I made her do so. How did it go with you afterwards,

Macumazahn, with you and the Boer maiden across the Buffalo River, to

whom you were making love in those days?" Copyright 2016 - 2024