On the following morning I awoke, as a good hunter always should do,

just at that time when, on looking out of the wagon, nothing can be seen

but a little grey glint of light which he knows is reflected from the

horns of the cattle tied to the trek-tow. Presently, however, I saw

another glint of light which I guessed came from the spear of Saduko,

who was seated by the ashes of the cooking fire wrapped in his kaross

of wildcat skins. Slipping from the voorkisse, or driving-box, I came

behind him softly and touched him on the shoulder. He leapt up with a

start which revealed his nervous nature, then recognising me through the

soft grey gloom, said: "You are early, Macumazahn."

"Of course," I answered; "am I not named Watcher-by-Night? Now let us

go to Umbezi and tell him that I shall be ready to start on our hunting

trip on the third morning from to-day."

So we went, to find that Umbezi was in a hut with his last wife and

asleep. Fortunately enough, however, as under the circumstances I did

not wish to disturb him, outside the hut we found the Old Cow, whose

sore ear had kept her very wide awake, who, for purposes of her own,

although etiquette did not allow her to enter the hut, was waiting for

her husband to emerge.

Having examined her wound and rubbed some ointment on it, with her I

left my message. Next I woke up my servant Scowl, and told him that I

was going on a short journey, and that he must guard all things until my

return; and while I did so, took a nip of raw rum and made ready a bag

of biltong, that is sun-dried flesh, and biscuits.

Then, taking with me a single-barrelled gun, that same little Purdey

rifle with which I shot the vultures on the Hill of Slaughter at

Dingaan's Kraal,[*] we started on foot, for I would not risk my only

horse on such a journey.

[*--For the story of this shooting of the vultures by Allan

Quatermain, see the book called "Marie."--EDITOR.] A rough journey it proved to be indeed, over a series of bush-clad hills

that at their crests were covered with rugged stones among which no

horse could have travelled. Up and down these hills we went, and across

the valleys that divided them, following some path which I could not

see, for all that live-long day. I have always been held a good walker,

being by nature very light and active; but I am bound to say that my

companion taxed my powers to the utmost, for on he marched for hour

after hour, striding ahead of me at such a rate that at times I was

forced to break into a run to keep up with him. Although my pride would

not suffer me to complain, since as a matter of principle I would never

admit to a Kafir that he was my master at anything, glad enough was I

when, towards evening, Saduko sat himself down on a stone at the top of

a hill and said: "Behold the Black Kloof, Macumazahn," which were almost the first words

he had uttered since we started.

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